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Java 批处理多线程

[英]Java Batch Multithreading

I have some JSR-352 batch jobs that run quite well - despite their runtime.我有一些运行良好的 JSR-352 批处理作业——尽管它们运行时。 Now I am thinking of distributing the work across several threads.现在我正在考虑跨多个线程分配工作。

How is this pattern supported by JSR-352? JSR-352 如何支持这种模式?

Edit: Now that I know the keywords to search for I can make out more resources on this problem:编辑:既然我知道要搜索的关键字,我就可以找到更多关于这个问题的资源:

I want to create a partitioned batchlet, and the partitions must be calculated at runtime.我想创建一个分区的 batchlet,分区必须在运行时计算。 The idea is to split the processing of all records into a predefined maximum number of partitions, or a number of partitions with maximum size.这个想法是将所有记录的处理分成预定义的最大数量的分区,或者多个具有最大大小的分区。

Here is another example of using partitioned chunk processing in JBeret.这是在 JBeret 中使用分区块处理的另一个示例 Partitioned batchlet should be similar in terms of job configuration.分区的 batchlet 在作业配置方面应该是相似的。 But partitioned batchlet is not common compared to partitioned chunk steps, because batchlet is mainly a task-oriented step, which is not easy to split into multiple partitions.但是partitioned batchlet相对于partitioned chunk steps并不常见,因为batchlet主要是一个task-oriented step,不容易拆分成多个partition。 So you may want to check if batchlet step is really suitable.所以你可能想检查 batchlet step 是否真的合适。

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