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我应该如何在 C++ 中定义一个函数指针数组?

[英]How Should I Define an Array of Pointers to Functions in C++?

I'm trying to make an array of functions so I can call functions from the array with an index.我正在尝试制作一个函数数组,以便我可以使用索引调用数组中的函数。 I can't seem to figure out the parentheses, asterisks and brackets to create this array of functions.我似乎无法弄清楚括号、星号和括号来创建这个函数数组。 Here is what I have:这是我所拥有的:

void Game::getPawnMoves(int position, bool color, Move ** moveList) {

typedef void (*GetMoveFunction) (int, bool, Move **);
void Game::getLegalMoves(Move ** moveList) {
    GetMoveFunction functions[] = 

All of the getPawnMoves, getKnightMoves, and the rest all have the same arguments and all return void.所有 getPawnMoves、getKnightMoves 和 rest 都具有相同的 arguments 并且全部返回无效。 Move is just a struct with two chars and an enum. Move 只是一个包含两个字符和一个枚举的结构。 In this case, if you'd like to try compiling it, you could replace Move ** with int **.在这种情况下,如果您想尝试编译它,可以将 Move ** 替换为 int **。

The error I'm getting when I compile is:我编译时遇到的错误是:

Game.cpp:443:5: error: cannot convert ‘Game::getPawnMoves’ from type 
‘void (Game::)(int, bool, Move**) {aka void (Game::)(int, bool, Move_t**)}’ to 
type ‘GetMoveFunction {aka void (*)(int, bool, Move_t**)}’

So for some reason the compiler thinks that GetMoveFunction is void * instead of void, but if I change the typedef to所以出于某种原因,编译器认为 GetMoveFunction 是 void * 而不是 void,但是如果我将 typedef 更改为

typedef void (GetMoveFunction) (int, bool, Move **);

I get the error:我收到错误:

Game.cpp:435:28: error: declaration of ‘functions’ as array of functions
  GetMoveFunction functions[] = 

I'm honestly super stuck on this one.老实说,我超级坚持这个。 Thanks so much for your help!非常感谢你的帮助!

How Should I Define an Array of Pointers to Functions in C++?我应该如何在 C++ 中定义一个函数指针数组?

 typedef void (*GetMoveFunction) (int, bool, Move **);

This is a pointer to function.这是指向 function 的指针。

 GetMoveFunction functions[] = { //... };

This is an array of pointers to functions.这是指向函数的指针数组。 You've achieved what you asked for in the title of the question.您已经实现了问题标题中的要求。

 Game.cpp:443:5: error: cannot convert 'Game::getPawnMoves' from type 'void (Game::)(int, bool, Move**) {aka void (Game::)(int, bool, Move_t**)}' to type 'GetMoveFunction {aka void (*)(int, bool, Move_t**)}'

The problem here is that you are trying to initialise the function pointers using non-static member functions.这里的问题是您正在尝试使用非静态成员函数初始化 function 指针。 Function pointers cannot point to non-static member functions. Function 指针不能指向非静态成员函数。

What you probably need is an array of pointers to member functions of Game instead.您可能需要的是一个指向Game成员函数的指针数组。 Another option is an array of type erasing function wrappers ( std::function ).另一种选择是类型擦除 function 包装器 ( std::function ) 的数组。

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