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MS Teams:当活动源中有深层链接时,无法获取 SubEntityId 值

[英]MS Teams: Unable to get the SubEntityId value when a deep link is available in Activity Feed

I am sending an activity Feed notification to the user which is pointing to my personal app.我正在向指向我的个人应用程序的用户发送活动提要通知。

I have a DeepLink generated to point to the tab and it's working fine but when I add a SubEntuityId to the tab it is not fetched in.我生成了一个指向选项卡的 DeepLink,它工作正常,但是当我将 SubEntuityId 添加到选项卡时,它没有被提取。

It is always blank.它总是空白的。

I have also tried with URIEncode for the same.我也尝试过使用 URIEncode 进行相同的操作。

So presumably you're replacing APPID with the real app id from your manifest file.因此,大概您正在用清单文件中的真实应用程序 ID 替换 APPID。 Separate to that, make sure that "overview" is registered as the actual entity id for the tab in the manifest.除此之外,请确保“概述”已注册为清单中选项卡的实际实体 ID。 Other than that, the rest looks fine, like it should work.除此之外,rest 看起来不错,应该可以工作。

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