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Model 当值不为 nil 时获取的属性为 Nil

[英]Model Attribute Fetched as Nil, when value is not nil

If I set a value for a model attribute, it is saved correctly.如果我为 model 属性设置一个值,它会被正确保存。

I have a model我有一个 model

# gem 'rails', '6.1.3'
class Start < ApplicationRecord


 s = Start.find(465860)
 s.gear_change = 'test value'
 => nil
=> #<Start id: 465860, gear_change: "test value">

Why is rails returning nil?为什么 Rails 返回 nil?

There could be another column called gear in your database.您的数据库中可能还有另一个名为gear的列。 And gear_change could be the Active Record dirty method being called on the gear attribute. gear_change可能是在gear属性上调用的Active Record 脏方法 Since the gear attribute has not changed, the gear_change dirty method returns nil .由于gear属性没有改变, gear_change dirty 方法返回nil

One solution would be to access the gear_change attribute as a hash value - s[:gear_change] or s['gear_change'] .一种解决方案是将gear_change属性作为 hash 值访问 - s[:gear_change]s['gear_change']

It is possible that you have overridden the gear_change method in your model somewhere which is returning nil .您可能在 model 的某处覆盖了gear_change方法,该方法返回nil

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