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BigQuery 取消嵌套到新列而不是新行

[英]BigQuery unnest to new columns instead of new rows

I have a BigQuery table with nested and repeated columns that I'm having trouble unnesting to columns instead of rows.我有一个 BigQuery 表,其中包含嵌套和重复的列,我无法取消嵌套到列而不是行。

This is what it the table looks like:这就是表格的样子:

    "dateTime": "Tue Mar 01 2022 11:11:11 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)",
    "Field1": "123456",
    "Field2": true,
    "Matches": [
        "ID": "abc123",
        "FieldA": "asdfljadsf",
        "FieldB": "0.99"
        "ID": "def456",
        "FieldA": "sdgfhgdkghj",
        "FieldB": "0.92"
        "ID": "ghi789",
        "FieldA": "tfgjyrtjy",
        "FieldB": "0.64"

What I want is to return a table with each one of the nested fields as an individual column so I have a clean dataframe to work with:我想要的是将每个嵌套字段作为单独的列返回一个表,这样我就有了一个干净的 dataframe 可以使用:

    "dateTime": "Tue Mar 01 2022 11:11:11 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)",
    "Field1": "123456",
    "Field2": true,
    "Matches_1_ID": "abc123",
    "Matches_1_FieldA": "asdfljadsf",
    "Matches_1_FieldB": "0.99", 
    "Matches_2_ID": "def456",
    "Matches_2_FieldA": "sdgfhgdkghj",
    "Matches_2_FieldB": "0.92",
    "Matches_3_ID": "ghi789",
    "Matches_3_FieldA": "tfgjyrtjy",
    "Matches_3_FieldB": "0.64"

I tried using UNNEST as below, however it creates new rows with only one set of additional columns, so not what I'm looking for.我尝试如下使用 UNNEST,但是它创建的新行只有一组附加列,所以不是我要找的。

FROM table,
UNNEST(Matches) as items

Any solution for this?有什么解决办法吗? Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

Consider below approach考虑以下方法

select * from (
  select t.* except(Matches), match.*, offset + 1 as offset 
  from your_table t, t.Matches match with offset
pivot (min(ID) as id, min(FieldA) as FieldA, min(FieldB) as FieldB for offset in (1,2,3))             

If applied to sample data in y our question - output is如果应用于 y 中的示例数据,我们的问题 - output 是


if there is are no matches, that entire row is not included in the output table, whereas I want to keep that record with the fields it does have.如果没有匹配项,则整行不包含在 output 表中,而我想保留该记录及其所具有的字段。 How can I modify to keep all records?我怎样才能修改以保留所有记录?

use left join instead as in below使用 left join 代替,如下所示

select * from (
  select t.* except(Matches), match.*, offset + 1 as offset 
  from your_table t left join t.Matches match with offset
pivot (min(ID) as id, min(FieldA) as FieldA, min(FieldB) as FieldB for offset in (1,2,3))

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