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Private su.net 中的 EC2 Instance 是否需要此架构上的 Nat Gateway?

[英]Does EC2 Instance in Private subnet need Nat Gateway on this architecture?

I'm planning this architecture bellow.我正在计划下面的架构。 My question is, does this architecture need Nat Gateway in order to the EC2 instance can reach by user?我的问题是,这种架构是否需要 Nat Gateway 才能让用户访问 EC2 实例? My Architecture我的架构

NAT Gateway is only for the EC2 instance to be able to reach outside of the VPC, like to download security updates. NAT 网关只是为了让 EC2 实例能够到达 VPC 之外,比如下载安全更新。 A NAT Gateway is not involved in outside connections being able to initiate connections to the EC2 instance. NAT 网关不参与能够启动与 EC2 实例的连接的外部连接。

In your diagram, the outside connections will connect to a public load balancer.在您的图表中,外部连接将连接到公共负载均衡器。 The load balancer will then be able to connect to the private EC2 instance.然后负载均衡器将能够连接到私有 EC2 实例。 There should be no issue serving traffic through the load balancer without a NAT.在没有 NAT 的情况下通过负载均衡器服务流量应该没有问题。

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