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使用“不是”运算符的 C# 类型检查不起作用

[英]C# type check using 'is not' operator not working

I'm doing this boolean check that doesn't work and i don't really get why.我正在做这个不起作用的布尔检查,我真的不明白为什么。

I have a variable: dynamic value = 10f;我有一个变量: dynamic value = 10f; This variable is of type float .此变量的类型为float Now i'm doing this check:现在我正在做这个检查:

if(value is not float || value is not int)
    // Execute code

But this code still executes.但是这段代码仍然执行。 Can anyone please explain?谁能解释一下?

I found the solution thanks to the comment section.感谢评论部分,我找到了解决方案。 So i changed if (value is not BuiltInClass || value is not ClassValue) to if (!(value is BuiltInClass || value is ClassValue)) and now it works.所以我将if (value is not BuiltInClass || value is not ClassValue)更改为if (!(value is BuiltInClass || value is ClassValue))现在它可以工作了。

You have misunderstood the boolean expression.您误解了布尔表达式。

Suppose value is of type BuiltInClass :假设valueBuiltInClass类型:


  • value is not BuiltInClass will be false. value is not BuiltInClass将是假的。
  • value is not ClassValue will be true. value is not ClassValue将是 true。


value is not BuiltInClass || value is not ClassValue

resolves to解决为

false || true => true

You "fixed" this by using if (!(value is BuiltInClass || value is ClassValue)) instead, but that is NOT equivalent to your original code!您通过使用if (!(value is BuiltInClass || value is ClassValue))来“修复”这个问题,但这并不等同于您的原始代码!

It would be equivalent to this:这将等同于:

if (value is not BuiltInClass && value is not ClassValue) 

Note the use of && instead of ||注意使用&&而不是|| . .

For more information about boolean transforms, see De Morgan's laws .有关布尔变换的更多信息,请参阅德摩根定律

In particular, note the transformation:特别要注意转换:

not (A or B) = (not A) and (not B)

Your fix is not (A or B) , but you could have fixed it by changing it to (not A) and (not B) as per De Morgan's laws.您的修复not (A or B) ,但您可以通过根据德摩根定律将其更改为(not A) and (not B)来修复它。

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