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为什么两个 md5sum 文件的比较工作不正常?

[英]Why comparison of two md5sum files is not working properly?

I have 2 lists with files with their md5sum checks and the lists have different paths for the same files.我有 2 个列表,其中包含带有 md5sum 检查的文件,并且这些列表对于相同的文件具有不同的路径。

Example of content in first file with check sums (server.list):带有校验和的第一个文件中的内容示例 (server.list):

2c03ff18a643a1437ec0cf051b8b7b9d  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
c430f587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz/
6e6bcd84f264233cf7c428c0cfdc0c03  tmp/fastq1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz

Example of content in two file with check sums (downloaded.list):带有校验和的两个文件中的内容示例 (downloaded.list):

2c03ff18a643a1437ec0cf051b8b7b9d  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
c430f587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
6e6bcd84f264233cf7c428c0cfdc0c03  /home/projects/fastq1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz

When I run the following line, I got the following lines:当我运行以下行时,我得到以下行:

awk -F"/" 'FNR==NR{filearray[$1]=$NF; next }!($1 in filearray){printf "%s has a different md5sum\n",$NF}' downloaded.list server.list

fastq1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz has a different md5sum
fastq1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz has a different md5sum
fastq1_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz has a different md5sum

Why I am getting this message since the first column is the same in both files?为什么我会收到此消息,因为两个文件中的第一列相同? Can someone enlighten me on this issue?有人可以在这个问题上启发我吗?


If I remove the path and leave only the file name, it works just fine.如果我删除路径并只保留文件名,它就可以正常工作。

Edit 2:编辑 2:

As pointed out, there is another possibility of file path form, which does not start with / .正如所指出的,文件路径形式还有另一种可能性,它不以/开头。 In this case, I cannot use / as the field separator.在这种情况下,我不能使用/作为字段分隔符。


  • filename (sans path) and md5sum have to match文件名(无路径)和 md5sum 必须匹配
  • filenames may not be listed in the same order文件名可能不会以相同的顺序列出
  • filenames may not exist in both files文件名可能不存在于两个文件中

Sample data:样本数据:

$ head downloaded.list server.list
==> downloaded.list <==
2c03ff18a643a1437ec0cf051b8b7b9d  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz   # match
YYYYf587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R5_911.fastq.gz   # different md5sum
c430f587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz   # match
MNOPf587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R8_abc.fastq.gz   # filename does not exist in other file
ABCDf587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /home/projects/fastq1_L001_R9_004.fastq.gz   # different filename but matching md5sum (vs last line of other file)

==> server.list <==
2c03ff18a643a1437ec0cf051b8b7b9d  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz             # match
c430f587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz             # match
XXXXf587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R5_911.fastq.gz             # different md5sum
TUVWff18a643a1437ec0cf051b8b7b9d  /tmp/fastq1_L999_R6_922.fastq.gz             # filename does not exist in other file
ABCDf587aba1aa9f4fdf69aeb4526621  /tmp/fastq1_L001_R7_933.fastq.gz             # different filename but matching md5sum (vs last line of other file)

One awk idea to address white space issues as well as verifying filename matches:解决空白问题以及验证文件名匹配的一个awk想法:

awk '                                    # stick with default field delimiter of white space but ...
{ md5sum=$1
  n=split($2,arr,"/")                    # split 2nd field on "/" delimiter

  if (FNR==NR)
  else {
     if (fname in filearray && filearray[fname] == $1)
     printf "%s has a different md5sum\n",fname
' downloaded.list server.list

This generates:这会产生:

fastq1_L001_R5_911.fastq.gz has a different md5sum
fastq1_L999_R6_922.fastq.gz has a different md5sum
fastq1_L001_R7_933.fastq.gz has a different md5sum

The whitespace on $1 used as an array key is causing problems.用作数组键的$1上的空格导致了问题。 Removing it:删除它:

awk -F"/" '{gsub(/ /, "", $1)}; FNR==NR{filearray[ $1]=$NF; next }!($1 in filearray){printf "%s has a different md5sum\n",$NF}' list1.txt list2.txt

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