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即使应用程序已卸载,如何在本地保留密码/应用程序数据而无需漫游 - 使用凭据管理器

[英]How to preserve passwords/appdata locally without roaming even if the app is uninstalled - using Credential manager

In UWP Credential manager is a good place to store sensitive information between application uninstallations and installations.在 UWP 中,凭据管理器是在应用程序卸载和安装之间存储敏感信息的好地方。 I see that the Credential Manager by default enable roaming between devices and can't be turned off programmatically.我看到 Credential Manager 默认情况下启用设备之间的漫游,并且无法以编程方式关闭。 My questions are我的问题是

  1. What if I want the password to be preserved locally even if the app is uninstalled?如果我希望即使应用已卸载也能在本地保留密码怎么办? I have a requirement to keep some data between uninstalls and installs of the app and at the same time without roaming between devices?我需要在应用程序的卸载和安装之间保留一些数据,同时不在设备之间漫游?

  2. PasswordVault sync, if you're using your Microsoft email. What about other types of logins such as AD or AzureAd? PasswordVault 同步,如果您使用的是 Microsoft email。其他类型的登录方式(如 AD 或 AzureAd)呢? Does this credential syning apply to any login types or just Microsoft email login?此凭据同步是否适用于任何登录类型或仅适用于 Microsoft email 登录?


What if I want the password to be preserved locally even if the app is uninstalled?如果我希望即使应用已卸载也能在本地保留密码怎么办? I have a requirement to keep some data between uninstalls and installs of the app and at the same time without roaming between devices?我需要在应用程序的卸载和安装之间保留一些数据,同时不在设备之间漫游?

I have to say that the Credential locker is not designed for such a scenario.我不得不说 Credential locker 不是为这种情况设计的。 If you want to save the user information locally, you could choose other ways like a local database.如果要将用户信息保存在本地,可以选择本地数据库等其他方式。 As you've already known, the Credential locker will roam data and we can't disable this.如您所知,凭据储物柜将漫游数据,我们无法禁用它。 So the data will share between devices as long as you are logged as Microsoft accounts.因此,只要您以 Microsoft 帐户登录,数据就会在设备之间共享。

PasswordVault sync, if you're using your Microsoft email. What about other types of logins such as AD or AzureAd? PasswordVault 同步,如果您使用的是 Microsoft email。其他类型的登录方式(如 AD 或 AzureAd)呢? Does this credential syning apply to any login types or just Microsoft email login?此凭据同步是否适用于任何登录类型或仅适用于 Microsoft email 登录?

There is no description of this on the Credential locker document . Credential locker 文档中没有对此的描述。 But the Microsoft account should point to the account that you used to log in to the system.但是微软账户应该指向你登录系统时使用的账户。 So I suspect the AzureAD account doesn't work.所以我怀疑 AzureAD 帐户不起作用。 My suggestion is that you could directly make a test with your AzureAD account.我的建议是您可以直接使用您的 AzureAD 帐户进行测试。

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