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如何使用 cumsum 获取频率表的累计和 - R

[英]How to use cumsum to get the cumulative sum of a freq table - R

I have the following frequency table (code copy below).我有以下频率表(下面的代码副本)。 This frequency table shows the monday of a given week and the number of observations on that given week.此频率表显示给定周的星期一和该给定周的观察次数。

          Week  n
 1: 10/04/2021 42
 2: 10/11/2021 18
 3: 10/18/2021 40
 4: 10/25/2021 33
 5: 11/01/2021 29
 6: 11/08/2021 27
 7: 11/15/2021 43
 8: 11/22/2021 41
 9: 11/29/2021 17
10: 12/06/2021 27
11: 12/13/2021 27
12: 12/20/2021 26
13: 12/27/2021 13
14: 01/03/2022 10
15: 01/10/2022 15
16: 01/17/2022 13
17: 01/24/2022 15
18: 01/31/2022 20
19: 02/07/2022 30
20: 02/14/2022 14
21: 02/21/2022 20
22: 02/28/2022  7

But my goal is to have another column that shows the cumulative frequency.但我的目标是有另一列显示累积频率。 I'm trying this code but its just duplicating the n column.我正在尝试这段代码,但它只是复制了 n 列。 At thought that maybe because the n column was a integer that was preventing it from working but I did convert it to numeric.我想可能是因为n列是一个 integer 阻止它工作,但我确实将它转换为数字。

helper_table$n <- as.numeric(helper_table$n)

helper_table %>%  
  group_by(Week) %>%  
  #arrange(desc(x1)) %>%

And this resulted in the following output:这导致以下 output:

# A tibble: 22 x 3
# Groups:   Week [22]
   Week           n cumsum
   <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 10/04/2021    42     42
 2 10/11/2021    18     18
 3 10/18/2021    40     40
 4 10/25/2021    33     33
 5 11/01/2021    29     29
 6 11/08/2021    27     27
 7 11/15/2021    43     43
 8 11/22/2021    41     41
 9 11/29/2021    17     17
10 12/06/2021    27     27
# ... with 12 more rows


        Week = c("10/04/2021","10/11/2021","10/18/2021",
           n = c(42,18,40,33,29,27,43,41,17,27,27,

Perhaps changing:也许改变:




As pointed out by Gregor Thomas and Waldi in the comments, removing the grouping variable achieves the required result:正如 Gregor Thomas 和 Waldi 在评论中指出的那样,删除分组变量可以达到所需的结果:

helper_table %>%  
 #         Week  n cumsum
 #1: 10/04/2021 42     42
 #2: 10/11/2021 18     60
 #3: 10/18/2021 40    100
 #4: 10/25/2021 33    133
 #5: 11/01/2021 29    162

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