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在 Ant 上重复相同的行为 在 Ant Design Vue 3 上为 React 设计可编辑表?

[英]Repeat the same behaviour on Ant Design Editable Table for React on Ant Design Vue 3?

I'm using Ant Design in Vue 3 and I have a table that I'm able to edit all the cells.我在 Vue 3 中使用 Ant Design,我有一个表格,我可以编辑所有单元格。 The problem is: I want to automatically close the editable cell if the user opens a new one to edit.问题是:如果用户打开一个新单元格进行编辑,我想自动关闭可编辑单元格。 While I was researching, I noticed that this behaviour happens on Ant Design for React accordingly to the documentation .在我进行研究时,我注意到根据文档,这种行为发生在 Ant Design for React 上。

My question is, how to do this for Vue 3?我的问题是,如何为 Vue 3 执行此操作? On their documentation for Vue, the Ant Design table doesn't show this behaviour that I wanted and I have no idea how to do that.在他们的 Vue 文档中,Ant 设计表没有显示我想要的这种行为,我不知道该怎么做。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。 :) :)

This is how my code looks now:这就是我的代码现在的样子:

     <a-table bordered :data-source="tableData.data" :columns="tableData.columns" :pagination="false" class="tableEditable">
        <template v-for="col in this.editableCells" #[col]="{ column, text, record }" :key="col">
            <div class="editable-cell" :ref="(record.key, column.key)">
                <div v-if="editableData[record.key + '|' + column.key] !== undefined" class="editable-cell-input-wrapper">
                    <a-input v-model:value="editableData[record.key + '|' + column.key]" @pressEnter="save(record.key, column.key)" type="number" />
                    <check-outlined class="editable-cell-icon-check" @click="this.save(record.key, column.key)" />
                <div v-else class="editable-cell-text-wrapper">
                    {{ text || ' ' }}
                    <edit-outlined class="editable-cell-icon" @click="this.edit(record.key, column.key)" />
        <template #buttonTable="{text, record}">
            <div class="editableTableButtonOption">
                <Popper arrow :locked="true">
                    <button class="statusButtonCrud synch" v-if="showEditableButton(record.key)"> {{this.buttonText}} </button>
                    <template #content="{close}">
                        <div class="popperOptions">
                            <li v-for="options in this.optionsToEdit" :key="options" class="popperOptionsList" v-on:click="this.emitOption(options.method), close();">

import { CheckOutlined, EditOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';

export default {
    name: 'TableEditable',
    props: {
        editableCells: Array,
        tableData: Object,
        buttonText: String,
        optionsToEdit: Array,
        copyOptionsTable: Boolean
    emits: ['change', 'editRow', 'editColumn', 'editAllCells'],
    components: {
        return {
            editableData: {},
            selectedRow: '',
            selectedColumn: '',
            valueSaved: ''
    methods: {
        edit(row, column) {
            this.editableData[row + '|' + column] = this.tableData.data.filter((item) => row === item.key)[0][column];
        save(row, column) {
            let data = {...this.tableData.data};
            if (this.editableData[row + '|' + column] == '') {
                data[row][column] = '0'
            } else {
                data[row][column] = this.editableData[row + '|' + column];
                this.valueSaved = data[row][column]
            delete this.editableData[row + '|' + column];
            this.selectedRow = row;
            this.selectedColumn = column;
            this.$emit('change', data);
            if (this.copyOptionsTable) {
        showEditableButton(row) {
            if (this.copyOptionsTable && this.selectedRow == row) {
                return true
        emitOption(method) {
            this.$emit(method, this.selectedRow, this.selectedColumn, this.valueSaved);
        addClass() {
            let columnsHTML = [...document.querySelectorAll('.ant-table-thead > tr > th')];
            let columnsData = this.tableData.columns;
            for (let idx in columnsHTML) {
        editedCell() {
            let tableRow = [...document.querySelectorAll('.ant-table-tbody > tr > td')];
            let cellRef = this.$refs[this.selectedColumn];
            for (let cell in tableRow) {
                let div = tableRow[cell].querySelector('div')
                if (div.classList.contains('editedCell')) {
            let tableRow = [...document.querySelectorAll('.ant-table-tbody > tr > td')];
            for (let cell in tableRow) {
                let cellDiv = tableRow[cell].querySelector('div');


It was simpler than I thought it would be.它比我想象的要简单。 Just changed the edit method to this and now it's working:)刚刚将编辑方法更改为此,现在可以使用了:)

    edit(row, column) {
        for (let idx in this.editableData) {
            delete this.editableData[idx];
        this.editableData[row + '|' + column] = this.tableData.data.filter((item) => row === item.key)[0][column];

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