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在 class Spring 中找不到设置器属性

[英]NO setter property found in class Spring

I have a spring application and deploying in external tomcat (version-8.0.0).Using STS ide for development.我有一个 spring 应用程序并部署在外部tomcat (版本 8.0.0)中。使用STS ide 进行开发。

applicationContext.xml applicationContext.xml

  <bean id="Manager" class="com.data.managers.Manager" p:hostName="${hostName}"
             p:userName="${username}"  p:pWord="${password}">

Manager Class经理 Class

public class Manager {

    private String pWord;

    public void setpWord(String pWord) {
        this.pWord = pWord;

When i build the application, applicationContext file showing error当我构建应用程序时, applicationContext文件显示错误

No setter found for property 'pWord' in class com.data.managers.Manager

what was wrong here.这里出了什么问题。

Help me to solve this issue帮我解决这个问题

thanks in advance提前致谢

Getter and Setter for pWord should be getPWord() and setPWord() . pWord的 Getter 和 Setter 应该是getPWord()setPWord() The first letter after set and get should be uppercase. setget之后的第一个字母应该是大写的。

Better change the property to password and getter setter to getPassword and setPassword最好将属性更改为password并将 getter setter 更改为getPasswordsetPassword

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