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为什么当我导入 pynput 并使用它时,它会删除我的 python 文件?

[英]Why does when I import pynput and use it it deletes my python file?

something weird is happening.奇怪的事情正在发生。
In short explanation - my.py file gets deleted automatically when I use pynput lib简而言之 - 当我使用pynput lib 时,my.py 文件会被自动删除

Detailed explanation - I create a file called keylog.py详解——我创建了一个名为keylog.py的文件
I have installed -> pip install pynput ,我已经安装了 -> pip install pynput
when I run the code:当我运行代码时:

import logging

logging.basicConfig(filename=("keylog.txt"), level=logging.DEBUG, format=" %(asctime)s - %(message)s")
def onPress(key):

Everything is ok.一切都好。

But when I add: 但是当我添加:
 # from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener import logging logging.basicConfig(filename=("keylog.txt"), level=logging.DEBUG, format=" %(asctime)s - %(message)s") def onPress(key): logging.info(str(key)) # with Listener(on_press=onPress) as listener: # listener.join()

Even if the pynput import is commented out the keylog.py file gets deleted automatically.即使 pynput 导入被注释掉, keylog.py文件也会被自动删除。
I have no idea why this happen, I tried to delete PyCharm and re-install, I tried working in VScode, same thing happening.我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,我试图删除 PyCharm 并重新安装,我尝试在 VScode 中工作,同样的事情发生了。
I didn't configure something special.我没有配置一些特别的东西。
I would like some help and explanation why this happen, Thanks.我想要一些帮助和解释为什么会发生这种情况,谢谢。

Found the issue if anyone in the future will have the same problem.如果以后有人遇到同样的问题,发现问题。 when I opened a project for some reason it didn't ask me if I want to trust this project.当我出于某种原因打开一个项目时,它没有问我是否要信任这个项目。 therefore, the windows defender sees pynput as maybe malicious so it blocked these files, until I made them trusted.因此,windows 防御者认为pynput可能是恶意的,因此它阻止了这些文件,直到我让它们信任为止。

Basically pynput is used to record keystrokes which is termed as Malicious in Windows Security.基本上 pynput 用于记录在 Windows Security 中称为恶意的击键。 Try Disabling it!尝试禁用它!


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