[英]Updating display on JS calculator
I want to have my calculator to display "0" when cleared or no other numbers have been entered but when I start adding numbers I want the 0 to be replaced.我想让我的计算器在清除或未输入其他数字时显示“0”,但当我开始添加数字时,我希望替换 0。 Currently when I enter any number it replaces the number on the display to the number entered.
this.currentDisplay = "0"
numberData(number) {
if (number === "." && this.currentDisplay.includes("."))
if (this.currentDisplay = "0") {
this.currentDisplay = this.currentDisplay.toString().replace("0", number.toString())
else {
this.currentDisplay = this.currentDisplay.toString() + number.toString()
You have an error on the this condition:您在这种情况下有错误:
if (this.currentDisplay == "0") {
In your code you are assigning this.currentDisplay = 0
, you should compare with ==
or better ===
to compare the types of the variables too.在您分配的代码中
this.currentDisplay = 0
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