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如何修复我的帮助命令 (discord.js)

[英]How can I fix my help commands (discord.js)

Currently I am using node.js So I can't require a command and I am unable to find a folder code:目前我正在使用 node.js 所以我不需要命令也找不到文件夹代码:

    module.exports = {
    name: 'cmds',
    description: 'Shows the commands.',
    aliases: 'commands,help',
    cooldown: 1000,
    execute(client, msg, args) {
        const prettyms = require('pretty-ms')
        const author = msg.author
        const authorMember = msg.member
        const user = msg.mentions.users.first()
        const userMember = msg.mentions.members.first()
        const authorOrUser = user || author
        const authorOrUserMember = userMember || authorMember
        const fs = require('fs')
        const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js")
        const embed = new MessageEmbed()
        function getCommand(cmd) {
            return client.commands.get(`${cmd}`)
        for (const category of fs.readdirSync(`../commands`)) {
            for (const cmd of fs.readdirSync(`../${category}`)) {
                const command = require(`../${category}/${cmd}`)
        embed.setAuthor(`Commands : ${client.commands.size}`)
        embed.setDescription("`<> means required, () means optional and | means it is an alias of a command`")
        embed.setFooter(`Made by 3F1VE#2276`)
        msg.reply({ embeds: [embed] })

The problem is I cannot find a way to get the commands folder properly.问题是我找不到正确获取命令文件夹的方法。 Here are the files这是文件文件

You would need to set the folder list wherever you fetch yhem on startup or fetch them everything in the command(not recommended)您需要在启动时获取 yhem 的任何位置设置文件夹列表或在命令中获取所有内容(不推荐)

const { readdirSync } = require("fs");
module.exports = (bot) => {
  readdirSync("./commands/").map((dir) => {
    const commands = readdirSync(`./commands/${dir}/`).map((cmd) => {
      let pull = require(`../commands/${dir}/${cmd}`);
      bot.commands.set(pull.name, pull);
      if (pull.aliases) {
        pull.aliases.map((p) => bot.aliases.set(p, pull));
  console.log(`All commands loaded\(Quantity\:${bot.commands.size} \)`)

You can change the above provided code with minor changes to fetch the folders in the command itself您可以更改上面提供的代码并稍作更改以在命令本身中获取文件夹

Please remember this is pseudo code and would need changes to fit your use case please don't expect it to work out of thr box请记住这是伪代码,需要更改以适合您的用例请不要指望它可以开箱即用

Apparently I typed in the path wrong.显然我输入了错误的路径。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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