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如何在不显示图片描述的情况下将图片 url 发布到群组?

[英]How to post an image url to a group without showing image description?

I'm trying to post an image url to a Facebook group I own.我正在尝试将图像 url 发布到我拥有的 Facebook 组。

This is how it's working as now:这就是它现在的工作方式:


I need to remove this part from the post:我需要从帖子中删除这部分:


This is my code:这是我的代码:

print("Publishing:", message)
>> Publishing:  6 0 % OFF
             $19.99 WITH CODE 60JOQVPP
             NURSAL 24 Modes Dual Channel TENS EMS Unit Muscle Stimulator for Pain Relief Therapy, Rechargeable TENS Machine Pulse Massager with 12 Pcs Electrode Pads/Continuous Stable Mode/Memory Function

print("Group:", group)
>> Group: 676543620253608

print("Link:", info[3])
>> Link: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71Q+-1LZ0zL._AC_SX679_.jpg

graph = GraphAPI(access_token=credentials['access_token'])
graph.put_object(group,'feed', message=message,link=info[3])

How can I post that image without the m.media-amazon.com in the footer?如何在页脚中没有 m.media-amazon.com 的情况下发布该图片?

Solved it by posting it as an image:通过将其作为图像发布来解决它:

POST {group_id}/photos发布 {group_id}/照片


url = link to image url url = 图片链接 url

caption = image description标题 = 图片描述

graph.put_object(group,'photos', caption=message,url=info[3])

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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