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一个 NPS 服务器可以用于多个身份验证目的吗

[英]Can one NPS server be used for multiple authentication purposes

I have an NPS server which is configured to let company devices to connect to a bunch of Unifi AP's.我有一个 NPS 服务器,配置为让公司设备连接到一堆 Unifi AP。 Then I have a second NPS server which is configured to require Azure MFA when connecting to RDP sessions from outside the company.network (2 defined RADIUS clients).然后我有第二个 NPS 服务器,当从 company.network(2 个定义的 RADIUS 客户端)连接到 RDP 会话时,配置为需要 Azure MFA。 Is there a way to consolidate the two servers?有没有办法合并两个服务器? If you, any hint on how the setup with the policies can be done?如果您有任何关于如何使用策略进行设置的提示?

Thanks in advance Na Wick在此先感谢纳维克

Looks like not, see this quote from one of the docs:看起来不像,请参阅其中一个文档中的引述:

"Once you enable MFA for a RADIUS client using the NPS extension, all authentications for this client are required to perform MFA. If you want to enable MFA for some RADIUS clients but not others, you can configure two NPS servers and install the extension on only one of them." “使用 NPS 扩展为 RADIUS 客户端启用 MFA 后,此客户端的所有身份验证都需要执行 MFA。如果要为某些 RADIUS 客户端而不是其他客户端启用 MFA,则可以配置两个 NPS 服务器并将扩展安装在只有其中一个。”

Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/howto-mfa-nps-extension链接: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/howto-mfa-nps-extension


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