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使用 SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) in Excel VBA 中的表创建的范围获取额外的行,这些行已被过滤

[英]Range created from table with SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) in Excel VBA gets extra row that are filtered

I have a worksheet with a table with several data.我有一个包含多个数据的表格的工作表。 I need to copy filtered data to a word document.我需要将过滤后的数据复制到 word 文档中。 First I've tried with.copy in excel and.pastespecial in word but after reading a lot during this last 4 days I started to work directly with objects because copy/paste procedure was slow and also it didn't get the results that I want.首先,我尝试使用 excel 中的 .copy 和 word 中的 .pastespecial,但在过去 4 天阅读了大量内容后,我开始直接使用对象,因为复制/粘贴过程很慢,而且没有得到我想要的结果想。

With Object method I've found that when the range with specialCells(xCellTypeVisible) has multiple areas you need to look in every area to get the count of rows.使用 Object 方法,我发现当带有 specialCells(xCellTypeVisible) 的范围有多个区域时,您需要查看每个区域以获取行数。 But for some reason a row is added in Range but this row is not showed in Filter.但是由于某种原因,在 Range 中添加了一行,但该行未显示在 Filter 中。

The code filters in a table Called "Horas" in a sheet called "Horas" by an string in Column A and an array on Column D (column D could have the following values V, W, X, Y and Z)代码通过 A 列中的字符串和 D 列中的数组(D 列可以具有以下值 V、W、X、Y 和 Z)在名为“Horas”的工作表中过滤名为“Horas”的表

When filter by Column A and then filter by Array (X,Y and Z) some rows filtered with column A with values other than XY and Z are inside of Range and not filtered.当按 A 列过滤然后按数组(X、Y 和 Z)过滤时,使用 A 列过滤且 XY 和 Z 以外的值的某些行在范围内且未被过滤。

This is part of the code这是代码的一部分

'code to set word app, word doc and set XLSDoc objects, etc
    Set xlsSheet = xlsDoc.Worksheets("Horas")
    ' Clear AutoFilter
    For nCounter = 1 To xlsSheet.ListObjects("Horas").ListColumns.Count
        xlsSheet.ListObjects("Horas").Range.AutoFilter Field:=nCounter
    ' Filter by customer and Row Type 
    xlsSheet.ListObjects("Horas").Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=customer
    xlsSheet.ListObjects("Horas").Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=Array("X", "Y", "Z"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
    ' calculate las row in table            
    Dim LR As Long
    LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 1
    Dim rngFiltered As Range
    Set rngFiltered = Nothing
    On Error Resume Next
    'define range with cells visible in table
    Set rngFiltered = Range("B2:G" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' check if range return values
    If Not rngFiltered Is Nothing Then
        Dim lcount
        Dim rngArea
    'check every area in range to get row count
        For Each rngArea In rngFiltered.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas 
             lcount = lcount + rngArea.Rows.Count
        Dim i As Long
    'Add a row in word Table for every row in range filtered with visible cells
        For i = 1 To lcount
            Set oRow = HourTable.Rows(HourTable.Rows.Count)
            Dim z As Long
            For z = 1 To 6
    'Copy every cell to word document
                 oRow.Cells(z).Range.Text = rngFiltered.Cells(i, z))
    'code to add a row if range is empty
        Set oRow = HourTable.Rows(HourTable.Rows.Count)
        Dim mergeRNG As Word.Range
        Set mergeRNG = oRow.Cells(1).Range
        mergeRNG.End = oRow.Cells(HourTable.Columns.Count).Range.End
        HourTable.Cell(HourTable.Rows.Count, 1).Range.Text = "No se registraron horas en el período"
    End If

This code correctly filter by customer but when the customer has some rows with values other than XY and Z still appears in range and are copied to Word Table.此代码按客户正确过滤,但当客户有一些行的 XY 和 Z 以外的值仍然出现在范围内并被复制到 Word 表时。

I think I have the same problem of this Thread but in this thread, data appears in the same area in continous rows.我想我和这个线程有同样的问题,但在这个线程中,数据出现在同一区域的连续行中。 In my case, several rows are filtered when Column D filter is applied.在我的例子中,当应用 Column D 过滤器时,多行被过滤。

Thanks in advance for reading.提前感谢您的阅读。 Please forgive my english writing.请原谅我的英文写作。

oRow.Cells(z).Range.Text = rngFiltered.Cells(i, z)

You can't access a multi-area (noncontiguous) range using an index like this.您不能使用这样的索引访问多区域(非连续)范围。

To illustrate:为了显示:

Sub Tester()

    Dim rngVis As Range, rw As Range, i As Long
    'rows 2:3 and 5 are hidden
    Set rngVis = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C6").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    Debug.Print rngVis.Address(False, False)             '>> A1:C1,A4:C4,A6:C6
    Debug.Print rngVis.Cells(1, 1).Address(False, False) '>> A1
    Debug.Print rngVis.Cells(2, 1).Address(False, False) '>> A2 ! Cannot access range this way
    'loop rows like this, not using a counter.
    For Each rw In rngVis.Rows
        i = i + 1
        Debug.Print i, rw.Address(False, False)
    Next rw
    '1            A1:C1
    '2            A4:C4
    '3            A6:C6

End Sub

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