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Flutter 下拉容器/小部件

[英]Flutter Dropdown Container/Widget

I have spent hours googling something that should be incredibly simple, but have found nothing to this sort on the inte.net.我花了几个小时在谷歌上搜索一些应该非常简单的东西,但在 inte.net 上没有发现任何类似的东西。 Effectively, I want to make a dropdown, so that when a button is clicked, I have a menu dropdown.实际上,我想做一个下拉菜单,这样当点击一个按钮时,我就有一个下拉菜单。 However , I do not wish to have this dropdown be a list of items.但是,我希望这个下拉列表是一个项目列表。 I want the dropdown to be able to take in a child widget, similar to the showDialog function, and I can pass what I wish to the child widget.我希望下拉列表能够接收子窗口小部件,类似于 showDialog function,我可以将我希望的内容传递给子窗口小部件。

Eg., I wish to merge dropdown's positioning with dialog ability to not only render an opinionated list.例如,我希望将下拉菜单的定位与对话框功能结合起来,而不仅仅是呈现一个自以为是的列表。

Does anyone have any clue how to accomplish this?有谁知道如何做到这一点?

You can use flutter_portal .您可以使用flutter_portal I used this package to build many types of dropdowns.我用这个 package 来构建多种类型的下拉菜单。在此处输入图像描述

Another way I found to do this is to use the showGeneralDialog function and customize the position.我发现的另一种方法是使用 showGeneralDialog function 并自定义 position。

What you could do is to copy the implementation of PopupMenuDivider :您可以做的是复制PopupMenuDivider的实现:

class MyEntry extends PopupMenuEntry<Never> {
  const MyEntry();
  double get height => kMinInteractiveDimension;

  bool represents(void value) => false;

  State<MyEntry> createState() => _MyEntryState();

class _MyEntryState extends State<MyEntry> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MyWidget();

And then you can use it in a PopupMenuButton :然后你可以在PopupMenuButton中使用它:

class MyButton extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyButton();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PopupMenuButton(
      itemBuilder: (context) {
        return [
          const MyEntry();
      onSeleted: (_) {},
      child: MyChild(),

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