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如何在 Google Apps 脚本中将变量设为粗体?

[英]How do I make the variable bold in Google Apps Script?

I want to make bold a string stored in a variable called boldtext.我想将存储在名为 boldtext 的变量中的字符串设为粗体。 I want a simple one line code for this.我想要一个简单的一行代码。 I am not from coding background.我不是来自编码背景。 Please help请帮忙

Edit 1: I made mistake in my original question.编辑 1:我在原来的问题中犯了错误。 So, I am putting the question again.所以,我再次提出这个问题。

My need = I want variable boldtext to be bold.我的需要 = 我希望变量 boldtext 为粗体。

function calendar() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Course');
  var user = Session.getActiveUser().getUsername(); //gives user name
  var firstpart = user.split('.')[0]; //gives first part of user name
  var uppercase = firstpart.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + firstpart.substring(1);//makes first letter upper case
  var boldtext = 'Nice work, ' + uppercase //This has to be made bold
  var bold  = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle().setBold(true).build();
  var boldname = SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue().setText(boldtext).setTextStyle(boldtext.indexOf(uppercase), boldtext.length, bold).build(); //mistake is here by me.
    spreadsheet.getRange('X53').setValue(boldname + 'Reminder is added to your calendar');
function myFunction() {
  var user  = Session.getActiveUser().getUsername();
  var first = user.split('.')[0];
  var name  = first[0].toUpperCase() + first.substring(1);
  var text  = 'Nice work, ' + name;
  var bold  = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle().setBold(true).build();
  var value = SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue().setText(text).setTextStyle(text.indexOf(name), text.length, bold).build();



Updated variant更新变体

function calendar() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Course');
  var user        = Session.getActiveUser().getUsername();
  var firstpart   = user.split('.')[0];
  var name        = firstpart[0].toUpperCase() + firstpart.substring(1);
  var boldtext    = 'Nice work, ' + name;
  var bold        = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle().setBold(true).build();
  var text        = ' Reminder is added to your calendar';
  var value       = SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue().setText(boldtext + text).setTextStyle(0, boldtext.length, bold).build();

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