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如何从 Bot Framework Composer 将用户价值返回给 Power Virtual Automate

[英]How to get user value back to Power Virtual Automate from Bot Framework Composer

I am creating a Power Virtual App bot and I am also using Bot framework Composer to display an Adaptive card that is meant to take user input from the Power Virtual App bot.我正在创建一个 Power Virtual App 机器人,并且我还使用 Bot 框架 Composer 来显示一个自适应卡,该卡旨在从 Power Virtual App 机器人获取用户输入。

I'm unable to figure out a way around this and all the solutions I've come across don't have Adaptive Card involved.我无法找到解决此问题的方法,并且我遇到的所有解决方案都没有涉及自适应卡。

I want this to work because I will need the user input to make API calls via Power Automate and display the results back to the user.我希望它能够工作,因为我需要用户输入通过 Power Automate 进行 API 调用并将结果显示给用户。

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述


botframework 中的流程截图

I believe you need to set the input / output properties on your Composer dialog.我相信您需要在 Composer 对话框中设置输入/输出属性。 Once you have configured your output variables, you can assign values to them within Composer.配置好输出变量后,您可以在 Composer 中为它们分配值。

Here is a link to an answer that was asked similar to this question.这是与此问题类似的答案的链接

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。


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