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从数据库中删除不再有效的 FCM 令牌

[英]Removing no longer valid FCM tokens from a database

I am sending notification to mobile device for which I have fcm tokens.我正在向我拥有 fcm 令牌的移动设备发送通知。 On sending, I get a response that can for each fcm token have an error.发送时,我收到每个 fcm 令牌都可能有错误的响应。 I want to remove the invalid tokens that for sure will no longer work, but keep tokens that may have failed this time and could still work in the future.我想删除肯定不再有效的无效令牌,但保留这次可能失败但将来可能仍然有效的令牌。

I am using the node-gcm package.我正在使用node-gcm package。

What are the possible values for the error field in the response of each token.每个标记的响应中error字段的可能值是什么。 What checks on this value should I be making to only delete the permanently invalid tokens?我应该对该值进行哪些检查以仅删除永久无效的令牌?

    sender.send(gcmMessage, { registrationTokens: fcmTokens }, (error, response) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        const failedTokens = fcmTokens.filter((_, index) => response.results[index].error != null);
        if (failedTokens.length) {
          // If there are failed tokens, check these to know whether we should delete them.
          this.clearUserFcmTokens(userID, failedTokens);

The two most common error codes that indicate that the token should be removed are messaging/invalid-registration-token and messaging/registration-token-not-registered .指示应删除令牌的两个最常见的错误代码是messaging/invalid-registration-tokenmessaging/registration-token-not-registered

I recommend basing your logic on this code in the functions-samples repo .我建议您的逻辑基于functions-samples repo中的这段代码

I got an answer from the repo itself.我从回购协议本身得到了答案。

They recommend checking if the error matches 'NotRegistered' .他们建议检查错误是否匹配'NotRegistered'

I've modified the code to check 'NotRegistered' and 'InvalidRegistration' :我修改了代码以检查'NotRegistered''InvalidRegistration'

    sender.send(gcmMessage, { registrationTokens: fcmTokens }, (error, response) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        const invalidTokenErrorKeys = ['NotRegistered', 'InvalidRegistration'];
        const failedTokens = fcmTokens.filter((_, index) => response.results[index].error != null && invalidTokenErrorKeys.includes(response.results[index].error));
        if (failedTokens.length) {
          this.clearUserFcmTokens(userID, failedTokens);

The values of the error field match the HTTP Code column from this link:错误字段的值与此链接中的 HTTP 代码列匹配:

https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#error-codes https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#error-codes

examples: InvalidRegistration , NotRegistered , MessageTooBig , Unavailable etc.示例: InvalidRegistrationNotRegisteredMessageTooBigUnavailable等。

Issue and response on the repo https://github.com/ToothlessGear/node-gcm/issues/360 repo 上的问题和响应https://github.com/ToothlessGear/node-gcm/issues/360

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