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[英]Cascading html.DropDownListFor in .net core Razor Pages

I am at the point where I am loosing my mind.我正处于失去理智的地步。 So to avoid that, I have to ask you this questions.所以为了避免这种情况,我不得不问你这个问题。 Now, I know, that there are lot of "similar" questions out there.现在,我知道那里有很多“类似”的问题。 Believe me, I have spend the last 3 days looking at them, but none of them is working for me.相信我,过去 3 天我一直在研究它们,但没有一个对我有用。 So I hope you will be able to help me with this.所以我希望你能帮我解决这个问题。

I have been following a course on Udemy.com about ASP.NET Core and Razor Pages.我一直在关注 Udemy.com 上的课程,关于 ASP.NET Core 和 Razor Pages。 With some changes I have managed to create my little own project.通过一些更改,我设法创建了自己的小项目。 However I am missing only one thing at the moment.但是我现在只缺少一件事。

I would like to have a DropDownListFor with selections based on what is selected in another DropDownListFor.我想要一个 DropDownListFor,其选择基于另一个 DropDownListFor 中的选择。

In short I have to db tables.简而言之,我必须分贝表。 One called Team and one called RepairType.一种称为 Team,另一种称为 RepairType。 Each repairtype is done by one of the teams.每种维修类型都由其中一个团队完成。

So my Model looks like this:所以我的 Model 看起来像这样:

public class Team
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Display(Name="Repair Team")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class RepairType
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Repair Type")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Repair Team")]
    public int TeamId { get; set; }

    public virtual Team Team { get; set; }

I also have a VievModel:我还有一个 VievModel:

public class RepairVM
    public Repair Repair { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> RepairTypeList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> TeamList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> DeckList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> UserList { get; set; }


I have a few repositories that look like this:我有几个像这样的存储库:

public class TeamRepository : Repository<Team>, ITeamRepository
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _db;

    public TeamRepository(ApplicationDbContext db) : base(db)
        _db = db;

    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetTeamListForDropDown()
        return _db.Team.Select(i => new SelectListItem()
            Text = i.Name,
            Value = i.Id.ToString()

 public class RepairTypeRepository : Repository<RepairType>, IRepairTypeRepository
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _db;

    public RepairTypeRepository(ApplicationDbContext db) : base(db)
        _db = db;

    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetRepairTypeListForDropDown()
        return _db.RepairType.Select(i => new SelectListItem()
            Text = i.Name,
            Value = i.Id.ToString()

In my Razor Page, I have these two html.DropDownListFor:在我的 Razor 页面中,我有这两个 html.DropDownListFor:

<div class="form-group row">
                <div class="col-lg-3">
                    <label asp-for="RepairObj.Repair.TeamId"></label>
                <div class="col-lg-9">
                    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.RepairObj.Repair.TeamId, Model.RepairObj.TeamList, "- Please select a Team -", new { @class = "form-control", @onchange = "javascript:GetType(this.value);" })
                    <span class="text-danger" asp-validation-for="RepairObj.Repair.TeamId"></span>
            <div class="form-group row">
                <div class="col-lg-3">
                    <label asp-for="RepairObj.Repair.RepairTypeId"></label>
                <div class="col-lg-9">
                    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.RepairObj.Repair.RepairTypeId, Model.RepairObj.RepairTypeList, "- Please select a Repair Type -", new { @class = "form-control" })
                    <span class="text-danger" asp-validation-for="RepairObj.Repair.RepairTypeId"></span>

And my code when loading the page looks like this:加载页面时我的代码如下所示:

public class CreateRepairModel : PageModel
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitofWork;
    private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;

    public CreateRepairModel(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
        _unitofWork = unitOfWork;
        _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;

    public RepairVM RepairObj { get; set; }

    public IActionResult OnGet()
        RepairObj = new RepairVM
            TeamList = _unitofWork.Team.GetTeamListForDropDown(),
            RepairTypeList = _unitofWork.RepairType.GetRepairTypeListForDropDown(),
            DeckList = _unitofWork.Deck.GetDeckListForDropDown(),
            Repair = new Models.Repair()
        return Page();

I have tried javaScript, jQuery and so on, but as I said, nothing really works for me.我试过 javaScript、jQuery 等等,但正如我所说,没有什么对我有用。 Please have in mind that this is my first ever web application project, so I am really hoping that someone will be so kind, and tell me exactly what to do, so that I will only have the repairtype in the dropdownlist that match the teams dropdownlist.请记住,这是我的第一个 web 应用项目,所以我真的希望有人会如此好心,并告诉我确切的操作,以便我在下拉列表中只有与团队下拉列表匹配的修复类型.

I hope it all makes sense and I will be happy to supply you with more information if needed.我希望这一切都有意义,如果需要,我很乐意为您提供更多信息。


We need to use data-attribute for the option fields so we could filter, hence the repair list has to be manually filled.我们需要为选项字段使用数据属性,以便我们可以过滤,因此必须手动填写修复列表。 Follow the steps below;请按照以下步骤操作;

  1. Add the class team-select to Teams dropdown.添加 class team-select to Teams 下拉列表。 We will use this to bind our event later.稍后我们将使用它来绑定我们的事件。
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.RepairObj.Repair.TeamId, Model.RepairObj.TeamList, "- Please select a Team -", new { @class = "form-control team-select"})
  1. Use this as your Repair dropdown.使用它作为您的修复下拉菜单。 In each option, I used data-attribute;在每个选项中,我都使用了数据属性; data-team . data-team
We have to manually fill the options because SelectListItem doesn't support data-attribute.
I also added the class repair-select for event bind.

<select name="RepairObj.Repair.RepairTypeId" class="repair-select form-control">
   <option>- Please select a Repair Type -</option>
   @foreach(var type in Model.RepairObj.RepairTypeList){
      <option data-team="@type.TeamId" value="@type.Id">@type.Name</option>
  1. Then use this script.然后使用这个脚本。
@section scripts {

         // bind an event everytime team select is changed

            // get the selected teamId
            var teamId = $(this).val();

            // loop through all option
            $(".repair-select option").each(function(){

               // get the team id from data-attribute; data-team
               var dataTeamId = $(this).data("team");

               // if the dataTeamId is equal to teamId, show it, else hide
               if(dataTeamId == teamId){
            // select the first option in repairType dropdown
            $(".repair-select option").eq(0).prop("selected", true);
  1. Update GetRepairTypeListForDropDown to the code below.GetRepairTypeListForDropDown更新为以下代码。
public List<RepairType> GetRepairTypeListForDropDown()
   return _db.RepairType.ToList();

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