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AuditQuerySystemPolicy() function 为“安全性 State 更改”抛出 AccessViolationException

[英]AuditQuerySystemPolicy() function throws AccessViolationException for "Security State Change"

I'm working on a program that will compile information about the audit policy of a local system.我正在开发一个程序,该程序将编译有关本地系统审计策略的信息。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool AuditQuerySystemPolicy(
        Guid pSubCategoryGuids,
        uint PolicyCount,
        out IntPtr ppAuditPolicy


    void getSubCategories(AuditPolicyCategory category, long guidSize) {
        IntPtr ppAuditSubCategoriesArray = IntPtr.Zero;
        uint pCountReturned = 0;
        Guid catGuid = category.CategoryGuid;
        bool result = AuditEnumerateSubCategories(ref catGuid, false, out ppAuditSubCategoriesArray, out pCountReturned);
        if (!result) {
            throw new Exception($"[AuditPolicyCategory::getSubCategories] {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}");
        long ptr = (long)ppAuditSubCategoriesArray;
        for (int i = 0; i < pCountReturned; i++) {
            var guid = (Guid)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)ptr, typeof(Guid));
            string name = getSubCategoryName(guid);
            Console.WriteLine($"Current subcategory: {name}");
            AuditType state = getPolicyStatus(guid);
            //do something with the result
            ptr += guidSize;

The exception is thrown when the below method hits the AuditQuerySystemPolicy() function. It throws an AccessViolationException regardless of the value of catGuid :当以下方法命中AuditQuerySystemPolicy() function 时抛出异常。无论catGuid的值如何,它都会抛出AccessViolationException

    AuditType getPolicyStatus(Guid guid) {
        IntPtr ppAuditPolicy = IntPtr.Zero;
        bool result = AuditQuerySystemPolicy(guid, 1, out ppAuditPolicy);
        if (!result) {
            throw new Exception($"[AuditPolicyCategory::getPolicyStatus] {new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message}");
        if (IntPtr.Zero.Equals(ppAuditPolicy)) {
            throw new Exception($"[AuditPolicyCategory::getPolicyStatus] invalid audit policy returned");
        //do something with the result

I've tried running the program in an administrative context, and I've also granted my account the Manage audit and security log User Right Assignment.我试过在管理上下文中运行该程序,并且还授予我的帐户管理审计和安全日志用户权限分配。 Not sure where to go with this next.不知道下一个 go 在哪里。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

I needed to change the target platform from Any CPU to x64 to escape the .NET sandbox我需要将目标平台从Any CPU更改为x64以逃避 .NET 沙箱

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