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SQL 注入 drop/空表

[英]SQL injection to drop/empty table

I am trying to drop/empty table using user inputs.我正在尝试使用用户输入删除/清空表。

My SQL code is $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$password'" ;我的 SQL 代码是$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$password'" ;

I am typing or 1=1# to login without username and password which works perfectly!我正在输入or 1=1#以在没有用户名和密码的情况下登录,这非常有效!

Any idea how can I drop/empty the contain of table (users)?知道如何删除/清空表(用户)的包含吗?

I have tried so may ways like:我已经尝试过这样的方法:

or DROP TABLE users ; or DROP TABLE users or DROP TABLE users ; or DROP TABLE users or DROP TABLE users

The SQL injection that you are trying to do use the closing of the request, by closing the argument with ' .您尝试执行的 SQL 注入使用关闭请求,方法是使用'关闭参数。 So, you should begin by closing the actual ' before trying to do something else.因此,您应该先关闭实际的 ',然后再尝试做其他事情。

For example:例如:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ''; here do what you want;'';

Here, the name was '; here do what you want;'在这里,名字是'; here do what you want;' '; here do what you want;' . . Composed of:由...组成的:

  • ' closing WHERE section '关闭WHERE部分
  • ; closing the request that is sensitive to SQL injection关闭对 SQL 注入敏感的请求
  • You SQL request, for you DROP TABLE users;你SQL请求,为你DROP TABLE users;
  • ' to re-open what we closed at the begin '重新打开我们在开始时关闭的内容

I found the solution: I used query() instead of multi_query()我找到了解决方案:我使用 query() 而不是 multi_query()

multi_query() can take more than one queries at one time. multi_query() 一次可以接受多个查询。

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