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具有多个角色的 Laminas acl 导航

[英]Laminas acl navigation with multiple roles

I have question about laminas navigation and acl.我对 laminas 导航和 acl 有疑问。 In my application, a user can have multiple roles non hierarchicals.在我的应用程序中,一个用户可以拥有多个非分层角色。 But in the documentation, I have read that only one role should be passed to it via setAcl('myacl')->setRole('roleUder').但是在文档中,我读到只能通过 setAcl('myacl')->setRole('roleUder') 将一个角色传递给它。 Because my users can have cumulative roles, how to apply them on navigation?因为我的用户可以有累积角色,如何在导航上应用它们?

More information in regards to your roles would be very helpful.有关您的角色的更多信息将非常有帮助。 You can only pass one role to the navigation helper.您只能将一个角色传递给导航助手。

If role A + role B grants privilege X如果角色 A + 角色 B 授予权限 X

Then role B inherits from role A. Role B gets passed to the navigation helper.然后角色 B 继承自角色 A。角色 B 被传递给导航助手。

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