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切割器控制台不显示 printf 结果

[英]Cutter console does not show printf result

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I'm using last version (2.0.5) of Cutter.我使用的是 Cutter 的最新版本 (2.0.5)。 I am not able to find a way to display std in/out in Cutter Console.我无法找到在 Cutter Console 中显示标准输入/输出的方法。 In the picture I cleared the console before starting debugging and you can see it after the call to the printf. Am I doing something wrong?图片中,我在开始调试之前清除了控制台,您可以在调用 printf 后看到它。我做错了吗? Thanks, L.谢谢,L。

I tried both 2.0.4 and 2.0.3 without any benefit.我尝试了 2.0.4 和 2.0.3 都没有任何好处。 Actually I realized it is a buffering problem, indeed continuing debugging the output comes out after the return.其实我意识到这是一个缓冲问题,确实在返回后继续调试output。 Yet the problem comes when you have to provide an input.然而,当您必须提供输入时,问题就来了。 Let's consider the simple crackme in让我们考虑一下简单的 crackme 图片 debugging gets stucked on the "fgets" call waiting for an input...but I have no way to provide an input.调试卡在等待输入的“fgets”调用上......但我无法提供输入。 I tried both "Input to the debugger" and "razin console" both of them results with the input being sent to Razin (see console) and the program still blocked.我尝试了“调试器的输入”和“razin 控制台”,这两个结果都是将输入发送到 Razin(请参阅控制台)并且程序仍然被阻止。 Any suggestion?有什么建议吗?

I can confirm the same issue with 2.0.5.我可以用 2.0.5 确认同样的问题。 Setting the english language seems to temporarily solve the problem with input.设置英文似乎可以暂时解决输入问题。 Output messages still appears after the return tough. Output 消息在返回后仍然出现困难。

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