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CIDR 意外添加了另一个 AWS VPC

[英]CIDR added accidently another AWS VPC

I have accidently added a secondary CIDR to a VPC which was already being used by another VPC in another AWS account our company's private.network.我不小心将辅助 CIDR 添加到 VPC,该 VPC 已被我们公司的 private.network 的另一个 AWS 账户中的另一个 VPC 使用。 My question here is if the cidr was already being used, how was I allowed to add again to another VPC?我的问题是如果 cidr 已经被使用,我如何被允许再次添加到另一个 VPC? Also doesn't AWS provide a mechanism to check if the cidr range that we are trying to add is available or being used? AWS 也不提供一种机制来检查我们尝试添加的 cidr 范围是否可用或正在使用吗?

You can have multiple VPCs with the same CIDR range.您可以拥有多个具有相同 CIDR 范围的 VPC。 This is the benefit of the Cloud.这就是云的好处。 It's great when you want non-production.networks to exactly match Production.networks, It's a feature.当您希望 non-production.networks 与 Production.networks 完全匹配时,这很棒,这是一个功能。 not a failure.不是失败。

Having multiple VPCs with overlapping ranges will only be an inconvenience if you wish to connect those VPCs together, or you wish to be able to route to both VPCs from the same VPN or Direct Connect connection.如果您希望将这些 VPC 连接在一起,或者您希望能够从同一个 VPN 或 Direct Connect 连接路由到两个 VPC,那么拥有多个具有重叠范围的 VPC 只会带来不便。

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