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如何从 Node.js 中的 function 访问 Cloud Function 的返回值 Map?

[英]How can I access return value of Map from function in Node.js for Cloud Function?

I had read this post How to return values in javascript .我读过这篇文章How to return values in javascript But my question is how do we get the Map value if we derived it from asynchronous function like in this code below:但我的问题是,如果我们从异步 function 派生它,我们如何获得 Map 值,如下面的代码所示:

 async function exampleToken(profile) { let response; const tkAdmin = { admin: true, }; const tkInvestors = { investor: true, }; if (profile == 1) { response = { "token": tkAdmin, "code": 1, }; } else if (profile == 2) { response = { "token": tkInvestors, "code": 2, }; } return Promise.resolve(response); }
I want to use the value from this function using this code: 我想使用此代码使用此 function 中的值:

 const response = await exampleToken(profile); // Is this correct: const code = response.code; const token = response.token; // or const code = response["code"]; const token = response["token"];
Please, help me out. 请帮帮我。 Any tips and trick will be great. 任何提示和技巧都会很棒。 Thank you very much for spending time to read this post. 非常感谢您花时间阅读这篇文章。

Both are correct in Javascript, Javascript都正确,

  • 1- Dot property accessor: object. property. 1- 点属性访问器:object.property。
  • 2- Square brackets property access: object['property'] 2- 方括号属性访问:object['property']
  • 3- Object destructuring: const { property } = object. 3- Object 解构:const { property } = object。

This style is named Object Dot Notation access这种样式命名为 Object Dot Notation access

const code = response.code;
const token = response.token;

and this one is Object Bracket notation access这个是 Object 括号表示法访问

const code = response["code"];
const token = response["token"];

Read more here 在这里阅读更多


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