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用户不再能够在 Google 表格中运行宏来刷新数据连接

[英]User no longer able to run macro in Google Sheets to refresh data connections

I have built a dashboard in Google Sheets that connects to Big Query.我在连接到 Big Query 的 Google 表格中构建了一个仪表板。 There are a series of filters that pass parameters to the connection scripts and a button that triggers a refresh of all connections once the user has made their filter selections.有一系列过滤器可以将参数传递给连接脚本,还有一个按钮可以在用户做出过滤器选择后触发所有连接的刷新。 Today my user started experiencing an error when trying to refresh the connections.今天,我的用户在尝试刷新连接时开始遇到错误。 The error simply says "Script extract_refresh experienced an error Details" expanding the details simply repeats the same error message.错误只是说“Script extract_refresh experienced an error Details”展开详细信息只是重复相同的错误消息。 I am still able to refresh the dashboard (when logged in with my account) without any issues which suggests it's an issue with the user's account rather than the file or the script.我仍然能够刷新仪表板(使用我的帐户登录时),没有任何问题表明这是用户帐户的问题,而不是文件或脚本的问题。 However, as far as I am aware nothing has changed with the macro, the dashboard file, nor the user access permissions.然而,据我所知,宏、仪表板文件和用户访问权限都没有改变。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

A bit of further info:一些进一步的信息:

  • User has an 'Editor' role in IAM for the project用户在项目的 IAM 中具有“编辑者”角色

  • I have an 'Owner' role我有一个“所有者”角色

  • Big Query tables are fed by CSV files stored in Google Cloud Storage Big Query 表由存储在 Google Cloud Storage 中的 CSV 个文件提供

  • The macro called by the button that is failing is pasted below:失败的按钮调用的宏粘贴在下面:

     function extract_refresh() { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); spreadsheet.getRange('A2').activate(); SpreadsheetApp.enableAllDataSourcesExecution(); spreadsheet.refreshAllDataSources(); };

Problem solved - it turns out Google had signed the user out of their account.问题已解决 - 结果是 Google 已将用户从他们的帐户中注销。 They were using the Chrome browser profile linked to their email address and the dashboard file loaded without issue so it appeared to be signed in. However in the top right of the screen there was a 'sign in' button instead of the 'share' button.他们使用的是链接到其 email 地址的 Chrome 浏览器配置文件,并且仪表板文件加载没有问题,因此它似乎已登录。但是在屏幕的右上角有一个“登录”按钮而不是“共享”按钮. The account was signed out and hence would not authorise them to run the script.该帐户已注销,因此不会授权他们运行脚本。


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