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本地 sftp 服务器到 EFS

[英]Onprem sftp server to EFS

I have a onprem sftp server containing files I need to put in an AWS EFS solution, how can I go about doing this?我有一个 onprem sftp 服务器,其中包含我需要放入 AWS EFS 解决方案中的文件,我该如何执行此操作 go? Can I mount an EFS to the sftp server?我可以将 EFS 挂载到 sftp 服务器吗? Would I need to utilize AWS Transfer Family Service to keep the sftp type of transfer while transferring from the onprem solution to the EFS?在从本地解决方案传输到 EFS 时,我是否需要使用 AWS Transfer Family Service 来保持 sftp 类型的传输?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

If you must store it on Amazon EFS, then you have two options:如果您必须将其存储在 Amazon EFS 上,那么您有两个选择:

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