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如何故意减慢 React 状态更新 - 批量更新

[英]How to Slow Down React State Update Intentionally - Batch Updates

Occasionally I may want to unmount and remount a component with new data inside it.有时我可能想卸载并重新安装一个组件,其中包含新数据。 This could look like:这可能看起来像:


Because React batches state changes, depending on where the newArrayOfPosts is coming from, the state won't change.因为 React 批处理状态变化,取决于 newArrayOfPosts 来自哪里,状态不会改变。 I've been able to hack a solution with a setTimeout() of 1 second and then filling in setAllPosts(), but this feels so wrong.我已经能够破解一个 setTimeout() 为 1 秒的解决方案,然后填写 setAllPosts(),但这感觉太不对劲了。

Is there a best practice way to tell React to slow down for a moment?有没有一种最佳实践方法来告诉 React 放慢速度? or maybe to not batch update this particular state change?或者也许不批量更新这个特定的状态变化?

PS I know there are better ways to do this, but I am working inside a third party environment and am pretty limited to what I have access to. PS 我知道有更好的方法可以做到这一点,但我在第三方环境中工作,并且非常受限于我可以访问的内容。

Once react 18 is available (it's currently a release-candidate) there will be a function that can force updates to not be batched: flushSync一旦 react 18 可用(它目前是一个候选版本),就会有一个函数可以强制更新不被批处理: flushSync

import { flushSync } from 'react-dom';

flushSync(() => {
flushSync(() => {

Until then, you may need to do the setTimeout approach (though it doesn't need to be a whole second).在那之前,您可能需要执行 setTimeout 方法(尽管它不需要是一整秒)。

PS I know there are better ways to do this, but I am working inside a third party environment and am pretty limited to what I have access to. PS 我知道有更好的方法可以做到这一点,但我在第三方环境中工作,并且非常受限于我可以访问的内容。

Yeah, if you can do something else that would probably be better.是的,如果你能做点别的事情可能会更好。 Most of the time, if you want to deliberately unmount/remount a component, that is best achieved by using a key which you change when you want the remount to happen.大多数情况下,如果您想故意卸载/重新安装组件,最好使用您希望重新安装时更改的key来实现。

const [key, setKey] = useState(0);
const [allPosts, setAllPosts] = useState([]);

// ...
setKey(prev => prev + 1);

// ...
return (
   <SomeComponent key={key} posts={allPosts} />

This is how you can do it -这就是你可以做到的 -

import { flushSync } from 'react-dom';

const handleClick = () => {
  flushSync(() => {
  // react will create a re-render here
  flushSync(() => {
  // react will create a re-render here

This is used to un-batch the react states.这用于取消批处理反应状态。 This is just a single way of doing it.这只是一种方法。 The other way could be to use setTimeout .另一种方法可能是使用setTimeout Please note that with version 18 of react, state updates within setTimeouts are also being batched - this is known as Automatic Batching, but we still can achieve this by using different setTimeouts -请注意,在第 18 版的 react 中,setTimeouts 中的状态更新也被批处理——这被称为自动批处理,但我们仍然可以通过使用不同的 setTimeouts 来实现这一点——

const handleClick = () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  // react will create a re-render here
  }, 10);
  setTimeout(() => {
  // react will create a re-render here

Just make sure to keep a time difference to rule out the batching done by React.只要确保保持时间差以排除 React 完成的批处理。

Occasionally I may want to unmount and remount a component with new data inside it.有时我可能想卸载并重新安装一个组件,其中包含新数据。

It sounds like this use-case calls for a useEffect() with a dependency based on something you care about, like another piece of state or prop being provided to this component.听起来这个用例调用了一个useEffect() ,它具有基于您关心的东西的依赖关系,例如向该组件提供的另一块状态或道具。

useEffect(() => {
}, [shouldUpdate]);

I've even seen examples of people triggered useEffect() with a dependency of a piece of state called count or renderCount .我什至见过人们触发useEffect()的例子,它依赖于一个称为countrenderCount的状态。 Not sure if this is necessarily best practice but it's one way to go about things.不确定这是否一定是最佳实践,但这是处理事情的一种方式。

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [allPosts, setAllPosts] = useState([]);

useEffect(() => {
}, [count]);

const handleChange = () => {
   setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1); // This will trigger your useEffect when handleChange() in invoked

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