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TypeScript 用于破坏 function 有效负载的类型声明 (d.ts)

[英]TypeScript type declaration (d.ts) for destructing function payload

Using WebStorm.使用网络风暴。 TypeScript v4.6.2 TypeScript v4.6.2

I have a function inside regular JavaScript file index.js .我在常规 JavaScript 文件index.js中有一个 function 。 Next to it I have types declaration file index.d.ts .在它旁边我有类型声明文件index.d.ts The sole purpose of this type declaration file is to get autocomplete suggestions.此类型声明文件的唯一目的是获得自动完成建议。

Inside JS file I have a function:在 JS 文件中我有一个 function:

module.exports.myFunction = async ({foo}) => {
  foo. // <-- expecting to get suggestion "bar"

How TypeScript types declaration file need to look to provide autocomplete for bar which is inside of this foo ? TypeScript 类型声明文件需要如何查找以为此foo内部的bar提供自动完成功能?

Trying to do like so:尝试这样做:

interface payload {
  foo: {
    bar: string;

declare function myFunction(object: payload): any;

export default myFunction;

Getting such "suggestions":得到这样的“建议”:


If I require this myFunction from any other location, then I do get the suggestions as expected, but I want to get that suggestion inside of myFunction itself:如果我从任何其他位置需要这个myFunction ,那么我确实会按预期获得建议,但我想在myFunction本身内部获得该建议:


Files structure:文件结构:


TypeScript does not work in a magic way, in your case the best way to make it work is to export the interface and import it in a JSDoc comment to be usable in the function typing. TypeScript 不会以神奇的方式工作,在您的情况下,使其工作的最佳方法是导出界面并将其导入 JSDoc 注释中,以便在 function 键入中使用。 So your files should look like this:所以你的文件应该是这样的:

// index.d.ts file

export interface Payload { // Interface name should be capitalized
  foo: {
    bar: string;
// index.js file

 * @typedef {import('.').Payload} Payload

 * @param {Payload} param
const myFunction = async ({ foo }) => {
  foo. // <-- You will get here the suggestion for "bar"

module.exports = { myFunction };

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