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实际上我想运行每个循环和 append 它,但是在 append 里面我想使用模板文字运行另一个循环但是它抛出错误

[英]Actually I want to run each loop and append it, but inside append I want to run another loop using template literals but it throw error

please concern on my code, and find solutions for me, Actually I want to run each loop and append it, but inside append I want to run another loop using template literals but it throw error.请关注我的代码,并为我找到解决方案,实际上我想运行每个循环和 append 它,但在 append 中我想使用模板文字运行另一个循环但它抛出错误。 Uncaught SyntaxError: Missing } in template expression未捕获的语法错误:模板表达式中缺少 }

$(document).ready(function(){ comments =; $(文档).ready(函数(){ 评论=;

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                            $.each(value.replycomments,function(ind,val){ `
                                <p>here something goes related html</p>



  • In the second loop you should return whatever is between template literals.在第二个循环中,您应该return模板文字之间的任何内容。

  • You have extra brackets in your code if that is all.如果仅此而已,您的代码中还有额外的括号。 Try formatting the code to see the problem using a code formatter.尝试使用代码格式化程序格式化代码以查看问题。 Prettier is one of the most common code formatters which is available both as a VS Code extension and online . Prettier是最常见的代码格式化程序之一,可作为 VS 代码扩展和在线使用。

This should work in this case:这应该适用于这种情况:

$.each(comments, function (key, value) {
    <div class="commentContainer mt3">
      <div class="commentbox">

        <div class="commentPerson d-flex justify-content-between">
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              <label for="">Test</label>
          <div class="commentDate">
            <label for="">4 days ago</label>

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          <button type="button" class="replyButton rep" data-id="" id="replybutton">Reply</button>
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        <form class="comment_reply " id="reply_request_form" data-id="">
          <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="thrWB62yPQnmIQrhGX918omsXgQIxg0nOnN4GdFQ">
          <div class="inputBox">
            <input type="hidden" class="hidden" id="comment_id" value="102">
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            <input type="text" class="hidden" id="reply_text" placeholder="Write a Reply" value="" required="">
            <button type="button" class="replyButton mt-2 reply_request">Send</button>

        ${$.each(value.replycomments, function (ind, val) {
          return `<p>here something goes related html</p>`

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