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Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin 3.1.1 缺少一些属性

[英]Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin 3.1.1 Missing some properties

I use Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin with its version 3.1.1.我使用 Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin 及其版本 3.1.1。

I have a problem about defining some properties in application.properties file.我在 application.properties 文件中定义某些属性时遇到问题。

The last two lines are in issue.最后两行有问题。 I got an unknown property warning.我收到一个未知属性警告。 How can I fix it?我该如何解决?


I'm a bit late, but someone might find this useful.我来晚了,但有人可能会觉得这很有用。

You need to remove spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin dependency and add the following two:您需要删除spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin依赖并添加以下两个:


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