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(Mail Delivery Subsystem) 检查接收者 email 是否能够接收?

[英](Mail Delivery Subsystem) check if the receiver email is able to receive or not?

I'm trying to send important email to an organization.我正在尝试将重要的 email 发送给组织。 their email account is always full.他们的 email 帐户总是满的。 thus, It never receives my email due to the following error.因此,由于以下错误,它从未收到我的 email。

Mail Delivery Subsystem邮件传递子系统

mailer-daemon@googlemail.com mailer-daemon@googlemail.com

Your message could not be delivered to ******@gmail.com.您的邮件无法发送至 ******@gmail.com。 Either his inbox is full or he's getting a lot of mail right now.要么他的收件箱已满,要么他现在收到了很多邮件。

The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.您尝试访问的 email 帐户已超出配额。 Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaTemp请将收件人转至https://support.google.com/mail/?p=OverQuotaTemp

not exact but similar problem 不确切但类似的问题

The error is clear but I need to find some solution.错误很明显,但我需要找到一些解决方案。

I need some service or app to check out if the target email "the receiver" is available to receive now or not.我需要一些服务或应用程序来检查目标 email“接收者”现在是否可以接收。

I assume the receiver might empty some space someday, and then I can send my email again if I have sort of service like the up mentioned.我假设接收器有一天可能会清空一些空间,然后如果我有像上面提到的那样的服务,我可以再次发送我的 email。

As Inte.net standard, this is an expected behaviour and there is no work around for this unless the organization is willing to let you access the API for their account, which won't likely be the scenario since it is like asking to share access to their Gmail account to check the content.作为 Inte.net 标准,这是一种预期的行为,除非组织愿意让您访问他们帐户的 API,否则没有解决此问题的方法,这不太可能是因为它就像要求共享访问权限到他们的 Gmail 帐户查看内容。

If you had the notification Message sent ( which appears at the bottom left after sending your email ) and you do not receive the Message not delivered email and it is safe to assume that your message has been delivered to their inbox.如果您已发送通知消息在发送您的 email 后出现在左下角)并且您没有收到消息未送达email 并且可以安全地假设您的消息已发送到他们的收件箱。

What you can do on top of this is to enable the read receipt when you compose your message.除此之外,您还可以在撰写邮件时启用已读回执。 This is the closest thing we can have of getting a notification from the recipient.这是我们从收件人那里得到通知最接近的事情。 在此处输入图像描述

The way read receipt works is when they open your email they will have a prompt to notify you with the option to approve or not.已读回执的工作方式是,当他们打开您的 email 时,他们会提示您选择是否批准。 If they approve it you will receive an email notification, otherwise, you won't.如果他们批准,您将收到 email 通知,否则,您不会。

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