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YouCompleteMe 不可用:模块“集合”没有属性“映射”

[英]YouCompleteMe unavailable: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Mapping'

Hi I have been trying to setup YouCompleteMe in vim but it don't work.您好,我一直在尝试在 vim 中设置 YouCompleteMe,但它不起作用。 I am using vim-plug.我正在使用 vim 插件。 I tried around 3 different YouCompleteMe repositories but i always got the same error.我尝试了大约 3 个不同的 YouCompleteMe 存储库,但我总是遇到同样的错误。 I am using a Mac os and everything about vim is up to date.我使用的是 Mac 操作系统,有关 vim 的所有信息都是最新的。 I tried adding scripts in.vimrc, running install.py but non of em worked.我尝试在 .vimrc 中添加脚本,运行 install.py 但没有 em 工作。 I really need Help.我真的需要帮助。 Here is my.vimrc script and the error这是 my.vimrc 脚本和错误在此处输入图像描述

The easiest way to fix the problem is to install youcompleteme in the following way.解决该问题的最简单方法是按以下方式安装 youcompleteme。

  1. In a Terminal, run the command:在终端中,运行命令:

$ sudo apt install vim-youcompleteme

  1. Next, run the command:接下来,运行命令:

$ vim-addon-manager install youcompleteme

I got my exactly the same problem fixed a minute ago by running the above two commands, thanks to dominoc925's youcompleteme installation instructions .多亏了dominoc925 的 youcompleteme installation instructions ,我在一分钟前通过运行以上两个命令解决了完全相同的问题。

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