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我尝试使用 .map function 但它对我的代码不起作用

[英]I tried to use the .map function but it didn't work on my code

async function getCategoryIds ()
    let response = axios.get( `${BASE_API_URL}categories?count=100` );
    let catIds = response.data.map( c => c.id );
    return _.samplesize( catIds, NUM_CATEGORIES )  

This is my code I tried to change the data in [] but it still don't work这是我的代码,我试图更改 [] 中的数据,但它仍然不起作用

The main issue here is you have not used await in your code.这里的主要问题是您没有在代码中使用 await 。 adding await like the following should solve your problem -像下面这样添加 await 应该可以解决您的问题 -

let response = await axios.get( `${BASE_API_URL}categories?count=100` );

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