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Express JS 将所有路径重定向到 static 维护页面

[英]Express JS redirect all paths to static maintenance page

I have an Angular Web App with a Express Node JS Backend and I would like to display a static Under construction page, so that web app cannot be used during a specific time period.我有一个带有 Express Node JS 后端的 Angular Web 应用程序,我想显示一个 static 正在建设页面,以便在特定时间段内无法使用 web 应用程序。 In my current setup I have a initStaticPages function (please see below), which inits all the routes.在我当前的设置中,我有一个 initStaticPages function(请参见下文),它会初始化所有路由。 I also added a new Page which is served via /maintenance.我还添加了一个通过 /maintenance 提供的新页面。

When writing a middleware which always redirects to /maintenance and adding this middleware to all routes, I get a too many redirects error and the web app is down.在编写始终重定向到 /maintenance 的中间件并将此中间件添加到所有路由时,出现重定向错误太多并且 web 应用程序已关闭。 Adding middleware to all routes except index page "/" is working, but not the behaviour I wanted to achieve.将中间件添加到除索引页面“/”之外的所有路由都有效,但不是我想要实现的行为。 Anybody knows how to solve this?有人知道如何解决这个问题吗? Would appreciate any help.将不胜感激任何帮助。 Thanks a lot非常感谢


const initStaticPages = (router) => {
  router.use('/', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/main', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/login', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/logout', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/logout?reason=timeout', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/requestHistory', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/recurringRequest', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/maintenance', express.static('public'))

module.exports = () => {
  const router = express.Router()
  return router

Simple Middleware would be like this: There will be also some conditions, but for simplicity I left it out. Simple Middleware 会是这样的:也会有一些条件,但为了简单起见,我把它省略了。

const checkMaintenanceMode = (req, res, next) => {


const app = require('express')()
const router = require('./router')()
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
const compression = require('compression')

const port = process.env.PORT


app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Running on port ${port}`))

Second Error after adjusting the ordering of routes: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html".调整路由顺序后的第二个错误:加载模块脚本失败:需要 JavaScript 模块脚本,但服务器响应 MIME 类型为“text/html”。 Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.根据 HTML 规范,对模块脚本强制执行严格的 MIME 类型检查。

In the following the content of public folder and maintenance container.下面是公用文件夹和维护容器的内容。 The index.html has some router-outlet included and serves the specific Container Component. index.html 包含一些路由器出口并服务于特定的容器组件。 In this case /maintenance.在这种情况下/维护。 Apparently when adding the middleware to / route, it's throwing the error from above and showing a blank page.显然,在将中间件添加到 / 路由时,它会从上方抛出错误并显示空白页面。

 /app/frontend/app/container/maintenance: maintenance.component.css maintenance.component.html maintenance.component.ts /app/server/public: assets index.html vendor-es2015.3f2dce1d421f11b1eba1.js vendor-es2015.3f2dce1d421f11b1eba1.js.map vendor-es5.3f2dce1d421f11b1eba1.js vendor-es5.3f2dce1d421f11b1eba1.js.map polyfills-es5.34831379c55aac23d35e.js polyfills-es5.34831379c55aac23d35e.js.map main-es2015.730bc485b11bbd634316.js main-es2015.730bc485b11bbd634316.js.map polyfills-es2015.8c0828ece2f5d1fedbfb.js polyfills-es2015.8c0828ece2f5d1fedbfb.js.map main-es5.730bc485b11bbd634316.js main-es5.730bc485b11bbd634316.js.map runtime-es2015.dc25f63d6f9e75106165.js runtime-es2015.dc25f63d6f9e75106165.js.map runtime-es5.dc25f63d6f9e75106165.js runtime-es5.dc25f63d6f9e75106165.js.map 3rdpartylicenses.txt jsoneditor-icons.15f2789dd231f36d43a4.svg styles.9211410addacf27114df.css styles.9211410addacf27114df.css.map

This looks like a case of specificity.这看起来像是一个特殊情况。 Your routes should be defined from most specific to most general.您的路线应该从最具体到最一般来定义。

/ is a route that will match literally anything including /maintenance . /是一条路由,几乎可以匹配任何内容,包括/maintenance So you hit any route / is getting hit, then it redirects to /maintenance which obv matches with / and a cycle is created.所以你击中任何路线/被击中,然后它重定向到/maintenance obv 与/匹配并创建一个循环。

  router.use('/main', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/login', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/logout?reason=timeout', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/logout', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/requestHistory', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/recurringRequest', checkMaintenanceMode, requireAccess, express.static('public'))
  router.use('/maintenance', express.static('public'))
  router.use('/', checkMaintenanceMode, express.static('public'))

Note: using similar logic I reordered your /logout routes.注意:使用类似的逻辑,我重新排序了你的/logout路由。 Not related to the question though.虽然与问题无关。

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