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QT 版本好像比安装的要旧

[英]QT version seems to be older than installed

I'm new to QT and QML, I found a cool KDE Plasma addon on the inte.net and wanted to edit it, but flushMode property, which I want to use, was introduced in QT 5.13.我是 QT 和 QML 的新手,我在 inte.net 上找到了一个很酷的 KDE Plasma 插件并想对其进行编辑,但是我想使用的flushMode属性是在 QT 5.13 中引入的。 I have installed QT 5.15 (to be exact, 5.15.3), rebooted and got file:///filename.qml:58:2: "VideoOutput.flushMode" is not available in QtMultimedia 5.8.我已经安装了 QT 5.15(准确地说是 5.15.3),重新启动并得到了file:///filename.qml:58:2: "VideoOutput.flushMode" is not available in QtMultimedia 5.8. I also checked that qt5-multimedia is 5.15.3+kde+r0-1 (latest from arch linux repository), checked the QT version in system settings, everything says it's 5.15, but in the logs it acts like it's 5.8.我还检查了 qt5-multimedia 是5.15.3+kde+r0-1 (来自 arch linux 存储库的最新版本),检查了系统设置中的 QT 版本,一切都说它是 5.15,但在日志中它的行为就像是 5.8。 Is it possible that I have 2 different qt5 installations, or why does this happen?是否有可能我有 2 个不同的 qt5 安装,或者为什么会发生这种情况?

Yes, you very likely have two Qt installed.是的,您很可能安装了两个 Qt。 You got system Qt package that comes with desktop environment, I believe it does not include development files (headers), to obtain them you installed qt-something-dev package that installed another Qt as dependency.你有桌面环境附带的系统 Qt package,我相信它不包括开发文件(头文件),为了获得它们你安装了qt-something-dev package 安装了另一个 Qt 作为依赖。

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