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为什么我在 Odoo 中使用 product.template 时出错

[英]Why I have error in Odoo while using product.template

I'm trying to run a test task from the site https://www.odoo.com/documentation/15.0/developer/howtos/website.html我正在尝试从网站https://www.odoo.com/documentation/15.0/developer/howtos/website.html运行测试任务


from odoo import models, fields, api

 class Teachers(models.Model):
    _name = 'academy.teachers'

    name = fields.Char()
    biography = fields.Html()
    course_ids = fields.One2many('academy.courses', 'teacher_id', string="Courses")

 class Courses(models.Model):
    _name = 'academy.courses'
    _inherit = 'product.template'
    teacher_id = fields.Many2one('academy.teachers', string="Teacher")

but when start odoo i have error但是当启动odoo时我有错误

TypeError: Many2many fields academy.courses.taxes_id and product.template.taxes_id use the same table and columns - - -

don't understand how to remove this error Бany2many fields academy.courses.taxes_id and product.template.taxes_id use the same table and columns不明白如何消除这个错误Бany2many fields academy.courses.taxes_id and product.template.taxes_id use the same table and columns

When you inherit the product.template models and set the _name attribute, Odoo will copy the fields with all their attributes, and in case of taxes_id , supplier_taxes_id and route_ids , the relation is set manually which will be the same in academy.courses model.当您继承product.template模型并设置_name属性时,Odoo 将复制字段及其所有属性,对于taxes_idsupplier_taxes_idroute_idsrelation是手动设置的,这与academy.courses model 中的关系相同。

When Odoo will try to check whether other fields use the same schema it will fail and raise the error you see in the log.当 Odoo 尝试检查其他字段是否使用相同的模式时,它将失败并引发您在日志中看到的错误。


There are many references to product.template in model fields and methods. model的字段和方法中有很多引用了product.template Even if you fix that error, the product_tmpl_id field still referece the product template model and this will prevent Odoo from creating any course.即使您修复了该错误, product_tmpl_id字段仍然引用产品模板 model,这将阻止 Odoo 创建任何课程。

When you change for example the product code it will check if the code is already used in product template model which is wrong.例如,当您更改产品代码时,它会检查代码是否已在产品模板 model 中使用,这是错误的。

Using only the _inherit attribute, you can`t inherit the product template model.仅使用_inherit属性,您无法继承产品模板 model。

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