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在 Apple M1 上设置 terraform v0.14.0

[英]setting up terraform v0.14.0 on Apple M1

Any pointers how to setup Terraform v0.14.0 on a Apple M1, as tfenv doesn't support v0.14.0 on Apple M1任何关于如何在 Apple M1 上设置 Terraform v0.14.0 的指针,因为 tfenv 在 Apple M1 上不支持 v0.14.0

tfenv install v0.14.0
Installing Terraform v0.14.0
Downloading release tarball from https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.14.0/terraform_0.14.0_darwin_arm64.zip
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403

Tarball download failed

You can set the env var TFENV_ARCH and use tfenv您可以设置环境变量 TFENV_ARCH 并使用 tfenv

TFENV_ARCH=amd64 tfenv install 0.14.0

If you are using tfenv , you can override the architecture with TFENV_ARCH environment variables: TFENV_ARCH=amd64 .如果您使用tfenv ,您可以使用TFENV_ARCH环境变量覆盖架构: TFENV_ARCH=amd64 See docs .请参阅文档

If you are not using tfenv :如果您不使用tfenv

Terraform is a simple executable, you can download it and unzip it from here: https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.14.0/ : Terraform 是一个简单的可执行文件,您可以从这里下载并解压缩: https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.14.0/

wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.14.0/terraform_0.14.0_darwin_amd64.zip

unzip terraform_0.14.0_darwin_amd64.zip

Please note, there is no arm64 build for osx, but the amd64 works just fine on a Mac M1.请注意,osx 没有arm64版本,但amd64在 Mac M1 上运行良好。

Now you can copy the extracted executable in a folder like /usr/local/bin , which should be on your PATH , so you can run terraform command from anywhere in your system.现在您可以将提取的可执行文件复制到/usr/local/bin之类的文件夹中,该文件夹应该在您的PATH上,因此您可以从系统中的任何位置运行terraform命令。

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