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使用另一台主机更改主机名和 IP 地址 - 是否需要更新 DNS?

[英]Change Hostnames and IP Addresses with another host - Does it require a DNS update?

I have a new Linux database server I am working on with a certain hostname and ipaddress.我有一个新的 Linux 数据库服务器,我正在使用某个主机名和 IP 地址。 I want to change it's hostname and ipaddress with my old Linux database server's at the time of going live with the new server.我想在新服务器上线时用我的旧 Linux 数据库服务器更改它的主机名和 IP 地址。 I understand this requires only update on the new server's hosts file.我知道这只需要更新新服务器的主机文件。

My team says it would need a DNS update.我的团队说需要更新 DNS。 I don't see why it would require a DNS update.我不明白为什么它需要更新 DNS。 Because a DNS is a mapping between hostname and ipaddress and it hasn't changed.因为 DNS 是主机名和 ipaddress 之间的映射并且它没有改变。

Could anyone clarify?谁能澄清一下?

Thank You, Madhuri Dara谢谢你,马杜里·达拉

normally, yes indeed, a DNS is a mapping between IP addresses and hostname.通常,是的,DNS 是 IP 地址和主机名之间的映射。 However, I would also recommend to delete the old one an re-create them to perform a re-discovery of the routes.但是,我还建议删除旧的并重新创建它们以重新发现路线。 The best option for you would be here to have a DNS manager into your domain, this way, you could modify them here, instead of into your DNS file in each machine.对您来说,最好的选择是在您的域中设置一个 DNS 管理器,这样,您可以在此处修改它们,而不是在每台机器上的 DNS 文件中进行修改。

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