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ESLint 和 Prettier 缩进冲突

[英]ESLint and Prettier indent conflict

I am using eslint and prettier (in vscode), and I configured the indent rule:我正在使用 eslint 和 prettier(在 vscode 中),并且我配置了缩进规则:

// .eslintrc
    // other settings...

    rules: {
        "indent": ["error", 4] // 4 whitespace indent
// .prettierrc
    // other settings...

    "useTabs": false,
    "tabWidth": 4 // 4 whitespace indent

It works well in other places.它在其他地方运行良好。 But in this case, two plugins have some conflict:但是在这种情况下,两个插件有一些冲突:

// format by prettier
const rules = func(() => {
    const rule = {...};
    return condition
        ? [
                  foo: rule.a,
                  bar: rule.b,
                  baz: rule.c
        : [];
// correct code of eslint
const rules = func(() => {
    const rule = {...};
    return condition
        ? [
                foo: rule.a,
                bar: rule.b,
                baz: rule.c
        : [];

Prettier take 2 extra space to indent the object declare(and ] ), so eslint throw some error like Expected indentation of x spaces but found x+2 . Prettier 需要 2 个额外的空间来缩进 object 声明(和] ),所以 eslint 会抛出一些错误,例如Expected indentation of x spaces but found x+2

And when I try to remove the extra space, prettier will tip me Insert '··' (two whitespace).当我尝试删除多余的空间时,prettier 会提示我Insert '··' (两个空格)。

I read eslint and prettier documents, but it seems have no solution about this.我阅读了 eslint 和更漂亮的文档,但似乎对此没有解决方案。

I can turn off the rule in eslint to ignore this error, but have any better config to fix it?我可以关闭 eslint 中的规则以忽略此错误,但有更好的配置来修复它吗?

The problem also is mentioned on a GitHub issue . GitHub issue 也提到了这个问题
ESLint and Prettier have different indentation implementations and they will conflict with each other. ESLint 和 Prettier 有不同的缩进实现,它们会相互冲突。
You should turn off ESLint indentation check when using prettier.使用 prettier 时应关闭 ESLint 缩进检查。

// .eslintrc
    // other settings...

    rules: {
        "indent": "off"

To solve conflict解决冲突

You can make eslint accept all the prettier formatings by doing the following您可以通过执行以下操作使 eslint 接受所有更漂亮的格式

install eslint configuration for prettier为 prettier 安装 eslint 配置

npm install eslint-config-prettier

And include it in the extends option in the file .eslintrc.js并将其包含在文件.eslintrc.jsextends选项中

extends: [

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