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如何在 Rust 中将 u32 数据类型转换为 bigInt?

[英]How can I convert u32 datatype to bigInt in Rust?

I am doing Fibonacci sequence function and the return type should return BigUint type.我正在做斐波那契数列 function 并且返回类型应该返回 BigUint 类型。 I search through many webs but I couldn't find the site that show the way.我搜索了很多网站,但找不到显示方式的网站。 This is my process so far.到目前为止,这是我的过程。

pub fn fibo_seq(n: u32) -> Vec<num_bigint::BigUint> {
    let mut f1 = 0;
    let mut temp = 1;
    let mut f2 = 1;
    let mut vec:Vec<u32> = Vec::new();

    while vec.len() < n.try_into().unwrap(){
       temp = f2;
       f2 = f1 + f2;
       f1 = temp;  


    vec // return wrong data type


You can't just put BigUint in the return type, you have to actually use it!您不能只将BigUint放在返回类型中,您必须实际使用它!

pub fn fibo_seq(n: u32) -> Vec<BigUint> {
    let mut f1 = BigUint::from(0u32);
    let mut temp = BigUint::from(1u32);
    let mut f2 = BigUint::from(1u32);
    let mut vec: Vec<BigUint> = Vec::new();

    while vec.len() < n.try_into().unwrap(){
       temp = f2.clone();
       f2 = f1 + &f2;
       f1 = temp;  



Since you are return Vec<BigUint> you need Vec<BigUint> instead of Vec<u32> .由于您要返回Vec<BigUint> ,因此您需要Vec<BigUint>而不是 Vec<u32 Vec<u32>

To improve you can rewrite the same method without temp variable as below.要改进,您可以重写相同的方法而不使用临时变量,如下所示。

use num_bigint::BigUint;

pub fn fibo_seq(n: u32) -> Vec<BigUint> {
    let mut f1 = BigUint::from(0u32);
    let mut f2 = BigUint::from(1u32);
    let mut vec:Vec<BigUint> = Vec::new();

    while vec.len() < n.try_into().unwrap() {
       (f2, f1) = (f1 + &f2, f2);


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