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[英]Why my min and max validation is not firing?

I have the template like below:我有如下模板:

<form class="form" [formGroup]="configWeightage">
  <div class="example-container">
    Enter value in between 0 to 100    <mat-form-field>
    <mat-error *ngIf="weightageValue.hasError('min(0)')" style="color: red"
      >Please enter greater than 0</mat-error
    <mat-error *ngIf="weightageValue.hasError('max(100)')" style="color: red"
      >Please enter less than 100</mat-error

This is the class file这是 class 文件

 import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { FormBuilder,FormGroup, Validators,FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
    /** @title Form field with prefix & suffix */
      selector: 'form-field-prefix-suffix-example',
      templateUrl: 'form-field-prefix-suffix-example.html',
      styleUrls: ['form-field-prefix-suffix-example.css'],
    export class FormFieldPrefixSuffixExample {
      formBuilder : FormBuilder;
      weightageValueControl = new FormControl(['',Validators.required,Validators.min(0),Validators.max(100)]);
      hide = true;  
      constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
      ngOnInit() {
       this.configWeightage = this.formBuilder.group(
          'weightageValue' :this.weightageValueControl      

I am supposed the fire the error when there is a value NOT in between 0 and 100当值不在 0 到 100 之间时,我应该会触发错误

But no validation message will be fired但是不会触发任何验证消息

Here is the stack bliz code for the same, so that you can run and fix yourself.这是相同的堆栈 bliz 代码,以便您可以自己运行和修复。

https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mat-form-field-dq8ntd?file=app/form-field-prefix-suffix-example.html https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mat-form-field-dq8ntd?file=app/form-field-prefix-suffix-example.html

There are some errors and typos you should fix in your Stackblitz:您应该在 Stackblitz 中修复一些错误和拼写错误:

  • Remove brackets from [formControlName][formControlName]中删除括号

  • Remove min and max attributes from <input> as you've already specified them using validators<input>中删除minmax属性,因为您已经使用validators指定了它们

  • Move <mat-error> inside <mat-form-field><mat-error>移到<mat-form-field>

  • For the error condition, you should use formGroupName.get('FormControlName').hasError('validatorName')对于错误情况,您应该使用formGroupName.get('FormControlName').hasError('validatorName')

  • Remove style="color: red" from <mat-error> , this is already the default style for the error message.<mat-error>中删除style="color: red" ,这已经是错误消息的默认样式。

  • Fix the typo this.formBuilder.group to be this.fb.group将错别字this.formBuilder.group修正为this.fb.group

    Here is Stackblitz after fixing the above errors.这是修复上述错误后的Stackblitz

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