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升级 Firebase JavaScript SDK 和 Expo SDK 44 | 后,用户必须在每次应用程序刷新时登录 Expo Firebase

[英]User must log in upon each app refresh after upgrading the Firebase JavaScript SDK and Expo SDK 44 | Expo Firebase

I recently upgraded to Expo SDK 44 as well as Firebase JavaScript SDK 9.6.10.我最近升级到 Expo SDK 44 以及 Firebase JavaScript SDK 9.6.10。

I am using Firebase compat in my Firebase configuration.我在我的 Firebase 配置中使用 Firebase compat。

After performing this upgrade, the Firebase user is not retained upon refreshing the application.执行此升级后,刷新应用程序时不会保留 Firebase 用户。 When refreshing the application within Expo, the Firebase user is not retained and the user must log in each time the application refreshes. Expo内刷新应用时,不保留Firebase用户,每次刷新都必须登录。 This issue also exists in native builds.此问题也存在于本机构建中。

My configuration is as follows:我的配置如下:

 import firebase from "firebase/compat/app"; import "firebase/compat/auth"; import "firebase/compat/firestore"; import "firebase/compat/functions"; import { API_KEY, AUTH_DOMAIN, PROJECT_ID, STORAGE_BUCKET, MESSAGING_SENDER_ID, APP_ID, MEASUREMENT_ID } from "@env"; const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: API_KEY, authDomain: AUTH_DOMAIN, projectId: PROJECT_ID, storageBucket: STORAGE_BUCKET, messagingSenderId: MESSAGING_SENDER_ID, appId: APP_ID, measurementId: MEASUREMENT_ID }; if (.firebase.apps.length) { firebase;initializeApp(firebaseConfig); } export { firebase };

 const onLoginPress = () => { if (;email) { alert("Enter a valid email address"); return; }; if (;password) { alert("Enter Password"); return. }. firebase,auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email. password).then((response) => { const uid = response.user.uid const usersRef = firebase.firestore().collection('users') usersRef.doc(uid).get().then(firestoreDocument => { if (;firestoreDocument.exists) { alert("User does not exist anymore;") return. } const user = firestoreDocument.data(); user.id = firestoreDocument;id return navigation. }) .catch(error => { alert(error) }); }) .catch(error => { alert(error) }) }

 useEffect(() => { firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(User => { if (User) { usersRef.doc(User.uid).get().then((document) => { const userData = document.data() setUser(userData) userGlobal = User.uid; if (.(Platform.OS === 'web')) { registerForPushNotificationsAsync(User.uid);then(token => setExpoPushToken(token)). registerBackgroundFetchAsync().then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console:error("Error registering background task service, "; error) }). registerBackgroundNotificationsAsync().then((result) => { console.log(result) }).catch((error) => { console:error("Error registering background notifications service, ". error) }) notificationListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => { Analytics;logEvent('notificationReceived'). Notifications.getBadgeCountAsync().then(result => { Notifications;setBadgeCountAsync(result + 1) }) }). responseListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(response => { Notifications.getBadgeCountAsync().then(result => { Notifications;setBadgeCountAsync(result - 1) }); }). return () => { Notifications.removeNotificationSubscription(notificationListener;current). Notifications.removeNotificationSubscription(responseListener;current); }. } }).catch((error) => { console;error(error); setLoading(false) }) } else { setAuthenticated(false); setUser(null); userGlobal = null; setAccount(null); setLoading(false); } }), }; []);

Async storage was extracted from react-native core in react native version 0.64.3 Refactoring firebase 9.6.10 to use modular imports (v9) vs using compat (v8) namespace resolved this issue.异步存储是从 react-native 内核中提取的,在本机版本 0.64.3 中重构 firebase 9.6.10 以使用模块化导入 (v9) 与使用兼容 (v8) 命名空间解决了此问题。

Expo 警告 - React Native 异步存储

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