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[英]How to bind Spring cloud stream binding for producer and consumer?

I am new to Spring cloud and RabbitMQ. I am trying to produce and consume messages from Rabbit MQ.我是 Spring 云和 RabbitMQ 的新手。我正在尝试从 Rabbit MQ 生成和使用消息。 I am having difficulty in configuring exchange name and queue name for producer and consumer.我在为生产者和消费者配置交换名称和队列名称时遇到困难。

I want to connect to the existing exchange called to order and the existing queue called myQueue我想连接到名为order的现有交换和名为myQueue的现有队列

Below is the application.properties下面是 application.properties

 spring.rabbitmq.addresses=amqp://user:pass@localhost:5672/ spring.cloud.stream.function.bindings.processTable-out-0=order spring.cloud.stream.function.bindings.processTable-in-0=order spring.cloud.stream.bindings.order.group=myQueue spring.cloud.stream.bindings.order.content-type=application/json

Above configuration is connecting to order exchange, however, it is creating and connecting a new queue called order.myQueue .上面的配置连接到order交换,但是,它正在创建并连接一个名为order.myQueue的新队列。

The consumer method is below.消费者方法如下。

  public Consumer<String> processTable(){
      log.info("Conuming message......................");
      Consumer<String> consumer = (request)-> System.out.println(request);
      return consumer;

What do I need to tweak in application.properties to connect to order exchange and myOrder queue?我需要在application.properties中进行哪些调整才能连接到order交换和myOrder队列?

See Using Existing Queues/Exchanges .请参阅使用现有队列/交换

If you have an existing exchange/queue that you wish to use, you can completely disable automatic provisioning as follows, assuming the exchange is named myExchange and the queue is named myQueue:如果您有想要使用的现有交换器/队列,则可以完全禁用自动配置,如下所示,假设交换器名为 myExchange,队列名为 myQueue:

  • spring.cloud.stream.bindings..destination=myExchange spring.cloud.stream.bindings..destination=myExchange

  • spring.cloud.stream.bindings..group=myQueue spring.cloud.stream.bindings..group=myQueue

  • spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.bindQueue=false spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.bindQueue=false

  • spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.declareExchange=false spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.declareExchange=false

  • spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.queueNameGroupOnly=true spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings..consumer.queueNameGroupOnly=true


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