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Cake PHP 从 root 的模块内运行控制台/命令

[英]Cake PHP run Console/command from within a module from root

I'm working on a Cake PHP 2 project and have got a custom module system set up that exists within app/modules/MyModule , within this directory I have folders such as:我正在做一个 Cake PHP 2 项目,并且在app/modules/MyModule中设置了一个自定义模块系统,在这个目录中我有如下文件夹:

  • Controller Controller
  • View看法
  • Model Model

I've added a new one called Console , and within this have created a Command directory where I'll put commands.我添加了一个名为Console的新目录,并在其中创建了一个Command目录,我将在其中放置命令。

However, the Console/cake command exists within app/Console rather than app/modules/MyModule/Console directory.但是, Console/cake命令存在于app/Console中,而不是app/modules/MyModule/Console目录中。

How can I have commands that exist within what is effectively a plugin, but executed from the main Console/cake directory.我怎样才能拥有有效插件中存在的命令,但从主Console/cake目录执行。

My custom module set up works like this:我的自定义模块设置是这样工作的:

App::uses('BaseModule', 'Modules');
App::uses('CakeEventManager', 'Event');
 * Helper class to  load modules of a specific format from /app/modules directory,
 * and create instances that can connect to system events, modify system behaviours etc.
 * Usage:
 *      $_modules = new Modules();
        $mods_arr = $_modules->initModules(ROOT.'/app/modules');
class Modules
    public function initModules($modules_base_dir)
        $modules = array();

        //loop over all directories in /app/modules/
        foreach (new DirectoryIterator($modules_base_dir) as $dir)
            if($dir->isDot()) continue;
            if($dir->getFilename()=='.svn') continue;
            if($dir->isFile()) {

            //compile a list of all modules, and load each Module class
            $classname = $dir->getFilename();

            App::import('modules/'.$classname, $classname);
            $module = new $classname();
            array_push($modules, $module);

            //enumerate all events from BaseModule so we know what we need to handle
            $base_events_array = array();
            $methods = get_class_methods('BaseModule');
            foreach($methods as $method)
                //strip out any method that starts with "handle_"
                if(substr($method, 0, 7)=='handle_')
                    $base_events_array[] = substr($method, 7);

            //IF this module is enabled
                //register any EXISTING event handlers for this module
                foreach($base_events_array as $event_name)
                    if(method_exists($module, 'handle_'.$event_name))
                        CakeEventManager::instance()->attach(array($module, 'handle_'.$event_name), $event_name);

                //connect up any additional controllers,views, models, bootstraps from this module
                    'Console' => array($modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/Console/'),
                    'Controller' => array($modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/Controller/'),
                    'View' => array($modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/View/'),
                    'Model' => array($modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/Model/'),
                    'Vendor' => array($modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/Vendor/')

                    include_once $modules_base_dir.'/'.$classname.'/bootstrap.php';

        return $modules;


You'd have to connect the sub-namespace/package where CakePHP will look for shells, ie Console/Command , and if you have tasks, that would need to be connected too:您必须连接子命名空间/包,其中 CakePHP 将寻找 shell,即Console/Command ,如果您有任务,也需要连接:

// ...
'Console/Command' => array("$modules_base_dir/$classname/Console/Command/"),
'Console/Command/Task' => array("$modules_base_dir/$classname/Console/Command/Task/"),
// ...

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