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Css animation 在动画两个 SVG 属性时有奇怪的延迟

[英]Css animation has strange delay when animating two SVG properties

As the title said when I tried to animate the stroke-dashoffset and fill at the same time.正如标题所说,当我试图同时为 stroke-dashoffset 和 fill 制作动画时。 It has this strange unwanted 3-second delay, but I have both of the animated properties are in one keyframe as shown below它有这种奇怪的不需要的 3 秒延迟,但我有两个动画属性都在一个关键帧中,如下所示

 svg { background-color: black; stroke-dasharray: 1800; fill: #fff; stroke: #fff; opacity: 10; animation: reveal 10s cubic-bezier(0, 0.23, 1, 0.1); animation-delay: 0; max-width: min(calc(100vw - 10rem), 40rem); } @keyframes reveal { 0% { fill: none; stroke-dashoffset: 1800; } 80% { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); } 100% { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }
 <svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 314.41 79.8" > <defs> <style>.cls-1 { font-size: 76px; font-family: BebasNeue-Regular, Bebas Neue; }.cls-2 { letter-spacing: 0em; }.cls-3 { letter-spacing: 0em; } </style> </defs> <text class="cls-1" transform="translate(0 64.6)"> Hel <tspan class="cls-2" x="85.65" y="0">l</tspan> <tspan class="cls-3" x="111.49" y="0">o World</tspan> </text> </svg>

I have attempted research by visiting the following URL:我尝试通过访问以下 URL 进行研究:

  1. Play multiple CSS animations at the same time 同时播放多个CSS个动画

  2. CSS 3 weird animation delay CSS 3 奇怪 animation 延迟

But still, I haven't got any idea to solve my problem, on the right is my code on jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/ju781mb9/但是,我仍然不知道解决我的问题,右边是我在 jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/ju781mb9/上的代码

PS.附言。 The video is only for placeholder so you got an idea of the website and i also slow the animation down该视频仅用于占位符,因此您对网站有所了解,我也减慢了 animation 的速度

The way you write the @keyframes rule, it seems you expect the stroke-dashoffset to start at the begining of the animation duration, and to end at its end.按照您编写@keyframes规则的方式,您似乎希望 stroke-dashoffset 在 animation 持续时间的开始处开始,并在其结束时结束。 But in fact, you have absolutely no control about that the way your code is structured.但实际上,您完全无法控制代码的结构方式。 You write stroke-dasharray: 1800 and assume that 1800px is the total stroke length.你写stroke-dasharray: 1800并假设 1800px 是总笔画长度。

  • Stroke length for glyphs in a text is the length of the outline for each individual glyph.文本中字形的笔划长度是每个单独字形的轮廓长度。 Each glyph has a different stroke length.每个字形都有不同的笔划长度。
  • If a glyph consists of multiple subpaths, like the letter "o" consists of an outer and an inner line, the stroke-dasharray is defined for each of them individually.如果一个字形由多个子路径组成,比如字母“o”由一条外线和一条内线组成,则 stroke-dasharray 是为它们中的每一个单独定义的。 You then have multiple animated lengths in one combined stroke.然后,您在一个组合笔划中有多个动画长度。
  • You give a non-standard font-family , but do not include a web font source.您提供了非标准font-family ,但不包含 web 字体源。 This means everyone who has not, by chance, installed the exact font you assume, will see a text in a different replacement font with different stroke lengths.这意味着没有偶然安装您假设的确切字体的每个人都会看到具有不同笔画长度的不同替换字体的文本。
  • You define a fallback font.您定义后备字体。 Both fonts will have different stroke lengths. fonts 都有不同的行程长度。

There is only one way to get out of this dilemma and gain control of the stroke lengths and subsequent animation timings: use a vector grafics editor to convert the text into paths.只有一种方法可以摆脱这种困境并获得对笔划长度和后续 animation 时间的控制:使用矢量图形编辑器将文本转换为路径。 (Adobe Illustrator, which you seem to use, can do that.) Remember to set an aria-label attribute to anotate the enclosing <g> element with the text it originally represented. (您似乎使用的 Adobe Illustrator 可以做到这一点。)请记住设置aria-label属性以使用它最初表示的文本来注释封闭的<g>元素。

SVG <path> elements have apathLength attribute where you can simply overrride the measured stroke length with a make-believe one. SVG <path>元素有一个pathLength属性,您可以在其中简单地用虚构的笔划长度覆盖测量的笔划长度。 If you then use that value for your stroke-dasharray property, the animation will run as if the correct stroke length had been used.如果您随后将该值用于stroke-dasharray属性,则 animation 将像使用了正确的笔划长度一样运行。 The following code will show a stroke along exactly the half of the path length:以下代码将显示恰好沿路径长度一半的笔划:

    <path style="stroke-dasharray:100;stroke-dashoffset:-50" 
          d="M 125.2,25.3 H 131.7 V 80 H 125.2 Z" />

Note the negative number for stroke-dashoffset .请注意stroke-dashoffset (I am going to bail out on describing the complicated reasons here, they could fill a whole tutorial.) (我不打算在这里描述复杂的原因,它们可以填满整个教程。)

 svg { background-color:black; }.label path { fill: white; stroke: white; stroke-dasharray: 100; stroke-dashoffset: 0; animation: reveal 10s cubic-bezier(0, 0.23, 1, 0.1); } @keyframes reveal { 0% { fill: none; stroke-dashoffset: -100; } 80% { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); } 100% { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }
 <svg viewBox="0 0 450 100"> <g class="label" aria-label="Hello World" style="fill:none;stroke:#ffffff"> <path pathLength="100" d="M 27.07,27.51 H 34.17 V 49.03 H 59.97 V 27.51 H 67.07 V 80 H 59.97 V 55 H 34.17 V 80 H 27.07 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 114.6,58.7 V 61.86 H 84.86 Q 85.29,68.54 88.87,72.05 92.49,75.54 98.93,75.54 102.7,75.54 106.1,74.62 109.6,73.71 113.1,71.88 V 78 Q 109.6,79.47 106,80.25 102.3,81.02 98.54,81.02 89.12,81.02 83.6,75.54 78.11,70.05 78.11,60.7 78.11,51.03 83.32,45.37 88.55,39.68 97.41,39.68 105.4,39.68 110,44.81 114.6,49.91 114.6,58.7 ZM 108.1,56.8 Q 108.1,51.49 105.1,48.32 102.3,45.16 97.48,45.16 92.07,45.16 88.8,48.22 85.57,51.28 85.07,56.83 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 125.2,25.3 H 131.7 V 80 H 125.2 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 145.2,25.3 H 151.7 V 80 H 145.2 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 180.4,45.16 Q 175.2,45.16 172.2,49.24 169.2,53.28 169.2,60.35 169.2,67.41 172.2,71.49 175.2,75.54 180.4,75.54 185.6,75.54 188.6,71.46 191.6,67.38 191.6,60.35 191.6,53.35 188.6,49.27 185.6,45.16 180.4,45.16 ZM 180.4,39.68 Q 188.9,39.68 193.7,45.16 198.5,50.64 198.5,60.35 198.5,70.02 193.7,75.54 188.9,81.02 180.4,81.02 171.9,81.02 167.1,75.54 162.3,70.02 162.3,60.35 162.3,50.64 167.1,45.16 171.9,39.68 180.4,39.68 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 227.7,27.51 H 234.9 L 245.9,71.88 256.9,27.51 H 264.9 L 275.9,71.88 286.9,27.51 H 294.1 L 281,80 H 272 L 261,34.44 249.8,80 H 240.9 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 314.3,45.16 Q 309.1,45.16 306.1,49.24 303,53.28 303,60.35 303,67.41 306,71.49 309.1,75.54 314.3,75.54 319.5,75.54 322.5,71.46 325.5,67.38 325.5,60.35 325.5,53.35 322.5,49.27 319.5,45.16 314.3,45.16 ZM 314.3,39.68 Q 322.7,39.68 327.5,45.16 332.4,50.64 332.4,60.35 332.4,70.02 327.5,75.54 322.7,81.02 314.3,81.02 305.8,81.02 301,75.54 296.2,70.02 296.2,60.35 296.2,50.64 301,45.16 305.8,39.68 314.3,39.68 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 365.9,46.67 Q 364.8,46.04 363.5,45.76 362.2,45.44 360.7,45.44 355.2,45.44 352.2,49.03 349.3,52.58 349.3,59.26 V 80 H 342.8 V 40.63 H 349.3 V 46.74 Q 351.3,43.16 354.6,41.43 357.9,39.68 362.6,39.68 363.2,39.68 364,39.78 364.8,39.85 365.8,40.03 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 372.7,25.3 H 379.2 V 80 H 372.7 Z" /> <path pathLength="100" d="M 418.6,46.6 V 25.3 H 425.1 V 80 H 418.6 V 74.09 Q 416.6,77.61 413.4,79.33 410.3,81.02 406,81.02 398.8,81.02 394.3,75.32 389.9,69.63 389.9,60.35 389.9,51.07 394.3,45.37 398.8,39.68 406,39.68 410.3,39.68 413.4,41.4 416.6,43.09 418.6,46.6 ZM 396.6,60.35 Q 396.6,67.48 399.5,71.56 402.4,75.61 407.6,75.61 412.7,75.61 415.6,71.56 418.6,67.48 418.6,60.35 418.6,53.21 415.6,49.17 412.7,45.09 407.6,45.09 402.4,45.09 399.5,49.17 396.6,53.21 396.6,60.35 Z" /> </g> </svg>

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